On 19/02/2008, at 3:15 AM, John Casey wrote:

On Feb 17, 2008, at 3:48 PM, Brett Porter wrote:

- decent integration of code coverage plugins (we never got this forked lifecycle quite right)

Can you shed some more light on this? Do we have specific test cases that we can put into the build?

Vincent would probably happily give you a list from when he worked on the clover plugin :)

Things like:
- running the tests twice by necessity
- not being able to reuse the enhanced classes easily
- lack of consistency between build time checks and reporting

It all kind of works, but I generally find configuring it is less pleasant than necessary and less flexible than it could be.

I'll have to read over the rest of your post a little more carefully before I can form a coherent response, but I wanted to ask this before I forgot about it. ;-)

Cool, thanks :)

- Brett

Brett Porter

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