I'm +1 for consolidating the helper and archetype/sample stuff into a SVN tree, then releasing all that stuff. I'd probably agree that the verifier needs to stay separate, though, since it's not specific to maven's ITs anymore.

Also, (another tangent) we need to look into how we could start releasing the integration tests themselves alongside a maven release...not moving the ITs inside the various maven branches, but making sure there is an IT ball out there with a released version that describes the tests we used as criteria for that maven release...and the versions should probably correspond. In any case, that's a separate concern from consolidating/releasing the maven-core-it-specific libraries like the integration-test-helper and the archetype.


Brett Porter wrote:

On 15/09/2008, at 10:40 PM, Jason van Zyl wrote:

It would still be separate. What I'm really suggesting is putting the helper (abstract test base class, used by both Maven's test suite and NMaven's test suite), in with the verifier and releasing them together. Shared is fine too, but I was thinking giving them their own trunk as a multi-module.

I can go ahead and release the verifier on it's own, but the structure of the core-integration-testing is not conducive to releasing maven-integration-test-helper which is also needed. I think it makes more sense alongside the verifier.

I don't really see much value in shuffling this around more right now. What would really help is to take the core-it-runner thing and put that in the same package and remove the duplication in the trunk and branches as that's really a separate module and doesn't belong with the rest of the code. And what would add even more value is knocking off some of these issues first:


Tangent. Focus! :)

I certainly don't want to move the verifier and second we change or add ITs which is happening fairly often now it just forces releasing, waiting for 3 days, people being out of sync. I just don't see it being worth it. It's easy in Hudson to run this stuff for our development purposes and CI.

That's not what I'm aiming for. That can go back to a snapshot and stay there as soon as it changes, but I'd like to do a release so that NMaven doesn't require a snapshot.

All I'm planning to do is:
* release verifier
* release maven-integration-test-helper (and the assoc archetypes/sample for good measure)

The latter would be ugly (with tags 3 levels up and needing to release a parent without its modules, etc), so I made a proposal to put them altogether as they are bits reusable outside Maven Core integration testing, as with the verifier, as you said.

Do you have a different suggestion? I figured in essence you agree with me since you started to pull the support away from the suite, it's an extension of that.

I sent this to make sure I'm not inadvertently mucking with others running the ITs so if anyone else has some concerns that there's something I've missed, let me know. Any takers?

- Brett

Brett Porter

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