OMG, had a similar experience only recently.

We should incorporate a module which got created by another company. We 
requested to get the source and so we got access to their SVN repo. 
The first thing I saw was 35 directories with almost identical sources. And no, 
that was not managed as SVN branches (svn copy) but they did 'branches' by 
doing a recursive copy of their sources on the file system (cp -r into a new 
directory with incremental numbers) and then checked that in as fresh sources 
with svn add. 

What should I say...

Anyway, that is heavily offtopic already and I assume that we don't have any 
devs of that kind around actively working on maven ;)


----- Original Message -----
> From: Chris Graham <>
> To: Maven Developers List <>
> Cc: 
> Sent: Thursday, September 6, 2012 2:33 AM
> Subject: Re: [VOTE] Move Maven projects sources to git
> I knew someone would misread that.
> I was not referring to anyone on this list. People on this list are at the
> pointy end of the stick, although we have a spread of abilities, most are
> in the upper end of the scale. The reason for this is simple. It's because
> to do it because we like it, a passion as it were. And that's when you see
> people at their best. Even with differences of opinion (and experience)
> such as this. Compare this with the corporate world in which I work. In the
> quest for the immortal dollar, the bar is being LOWERED, not raised. The
> average skill level of people is stunningly low. Believe it or not, I
> _STILL_ have arguments with people as to whether people need to check
> things in or not. And how to check in, and that you DO need to do an update
> first, before you commit, and not delete the dir in SVN and then add
> everything afresh (thus wiping out other people's changes). Sad but true.
> In this day and age.
> I was referring 'people of questionable parentage' from my previous 
> project.
> Several vendors did not have any SCM at all. Fine, give them Hg. But don't
> force those with mature processes in place to change. Especially when no
> one has any skills or experience in Hg/git on how/why/etc to set up and
> manage multiple repos. Even those who were experienced in using GIT, they
> ended up with hundreds of repos, and it became a real mess to manage. Oh,
> and stop stupid things like checking built binaries into repos...
> As robert points out, it's not just the technical reasons for a change that
> need to be considered, there are all of the other reasons, training,
> knowledge, support etc that also need to be considered. As someone else
> points out, if CVS still works for you, fine, stick with it.
> So, I have a broader view of SCM usage. It's not just the tool being used,
> it *must* encompass HOW it is to be used.
> -Chris (who is clearly wearing his SCM hat today... :-) )
> On Wed, Sep 5, 2012 at 11:24 PM, Benson Margulies 
> <>wrote:
>>  Chris,
>>  Just whom amongst us are you labeling 'a few immature devs'?
>>  Many of us here have been using both git and svn, extensively, for
>>  years now, and have a preference for git based on plenty of practical
>>  experience. While git is new-ish at the ASF, it's official, and a
>>  growing list of projects are using it
>>  Many of the, ahem, outboard components of Maven are in git already.
>>  Speaking for myself, I've used svn, I've used 'git svn', 
> and I've used
>>  git. Plenty. And it's my considered judgement that git would be better
>>  for this project, and I voted as such. Please don't cast asparagus on
>>  my by indirectly calling me a cultist.
>>  --benson
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