Very helpful Marco… I like the idea of tightening our JIRA workflow.

+1 removing “closed"
+1 “reviewable” back to "in progress" — to me this is a very helpful signal for 
longer lasting comment addressing
+1 making sure that “accepted" is the gatekeeper and includes assigning the 
maintainer as a default shepherd — should we even go as far as to prevent  
“assigning” issues that have not gotten “accepted” and “shepherd assigned” ?
+1 removing “reopened" as it has no extra value for us

Resolving without accepting to me sounds like a shortcut that we might want to 
prevent as it could be a bad example?

> On Jun 10, 2015, at 12:00 AM, Marco Massenzio <> wrote:
> Hadn't realized that the mailing list forwarder would make the images 
> unavailable, apologies about that.
> I've created this Google Doc 
> <>
>  which should be open and accessible.
> Again, please let me know if anyone feels strongly that we should keep the 
> current workflow.
> Thanks!
> Marco Massenzio
> Distributed Systems Engineer
> On Tue, Jun 9, 2015 at 2:26 PM, Marco Massenzio < 
> <>> wrote:
> Folks,
> Please take a look at MESOS-2806: in a nutshell, our current workflow is 
> rather convoluted and brings about a host of issues, when managing tasks' 
> status transitions (detailed in the Jira - see screenshots there).
> This is what it currently looks like:
> (spaghetti workflow? :)
> I would propose to simplify it to the following:
> I'm sure we can think up all sorts of corner cases, but I would submit that 
> simplicity would trump complexity and allow us to track progress (or lack 
> thereof) of stories/tasks/bugs in a much more punctual manner.
> Anyone against it?
> Marco Massenzio
> Distributed Systems Engineer

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