Sorry forgot to CC Ceki after mentioning it.  Ceki could you take a minute
to help us resolve these issues which are pushing towards the emergence of
yet another logging framework now inside MINA.  I think much of this is a
result of the JBoss push to do away with SLF4J dependencies.


On Dec 17, 2007 1:40 PM, Alex Karasulu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Dec 17, 2007 11:29 AM, Maarten Bosteels <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
> >
> > On Dec 17, 2007 6:25 AM, Trustin Lee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> ...
> > We can ask Log4J team to fix this issue and it will be fixed, but,
> > > again, considering that people wants to use the older version of Log4J
> > > or doesn't want to upgrade the Log4J due to some reason ( e.g. custom
> > > patch) won't see this problem resolved in Log4J.
> > > And.. that's why I am suggesting a thin layer for logging.
> >
> > Suppose that the log4j team fixes this issue in their next release,
> > then the only people who would need this thin layer
> > are people who
> > a) want to use a MINA based appender (which is not yet part of
> > standard log4j as far as I know)
> > b) AND don't want to upgrade to a newer log4j version
> >
> > IMO, that is a rather weak argument for resorting to our own "thin
> > layer for logging".
> >
> Yes I agree completely.  It's unnecessary to add yet another logging
> layer.
> I know several JBoss people are resentful with having to use SLF4J while
> now using MINA but there is no reason why we should push forward with that.
> Why not just work with Ceki or see if you can get karma on that project to
> fix these problems and/or facilitate the advance of a release with the fix?
> Ceki, I am sure would appreciate that.  Plus the work you do there can
> benefit other projects using this framework.  I have CC'd Ceki to get his
> attention so we can do something sane about this.
> ...
> > Our application depends on JCL (because of spring,) and on SLF4J
> > (because of MINA) and we let both facades point to log4j.
> > Works pefectly. Really, I do not see the problem.
> >
> There are many people in this situation.  Adding yet another framework
> whether mini or not is going to add to the confusion.
> >
> > Of course, I would prefer it if we would only need SLF4J, but that's a
> > problem that MINA can not solve.
> > I am afraid that a thin layer in MINA will just make things more
> > complex.
> >
> Absolutely!
> Alex

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