David M. Lloyd wrote:
> How would you feel about things if MINA required slf4j AND jcl AND
> log4j?  That would seem excessive, would it not?  It might even affect
> one's willingness to use the framework.
> This is the situation that I (and others with whom I work) face
> currently.  As a framework developer, I would not care if there was
> only one logging dependency - but the other libraries that my project
> depends on all use different logging frameworks.  This especially
> becomes an issue if you consider the wider world of software (beyond
> ASF projects).  Though most ASF projects use slf4j or jcl, this is not
> true in general terms.
> Therefore I am making an effort to convince the author(s) of these
> frameworks upon which my project relies, to consider making logging
> either configurable with no dependencies, or optional altogether.
> Using JDK logging seems like a reasonable compromise.

Many (most) of us don't want to introduce JDK logging into our
projects. We are very happy with logging to our framework of choice
via slf4j. I believe you've said before that JDK logging can easily be
redirected to slf4j (just like it is redirect jcl to slf4j). If that
really is the case, then I think it would make sense to switch Mina to
JDK logging, since everyone can then log from Mina to wherever they
want, without any complexity within Mina, or external dependencies.

However, I haven't seen any code anywhere to actually do this --
perhaps you'd like to reference something that does this, or explain
to the list how this could be done, or code it yourself if its not
currently available? That would go a long way to "convincing"
frameworks to switch to a logging system that few people actually use.

Keep in mind this "solution" should take into account esoteric
classloader situations (such as within application servers or OSGi
runtimes). If it can be done, I think it would actually be a very
useful and widely used component -- I know there are some other
libraries I use that use JDK logging that I would love to redirect to
log4j so I can manage all my logging from one place.

Raman Gupta

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