On Dec 18, 2007 5:53 PM, Maarten Bosteels <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Dec 18, 2007 9:28 AM, Trustin Lee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > You made many good points but I need to correct some.
> >
> > On Dec 18, 2007 3:51 PM, Alex Karasulu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > <snip/>
> >
> > > (4) I won't go into detail to keep some things private but I know you 
> > > wanted
> > > to find this thread [1] because it was one which you suspected was a veto
> > > against you.  You explicitly searched for and found this thread after some
> > > recent events.
> >
> > I have never searched for that thread.  What I searched for was a vote
> > about inviting someone into the PMC.  Moreover, what's up with the
> > veto from the community?  If the community doesn't like my idea, then
> > that's OK.
> >
> > People can veto my idea, but I also have my right to keep persuading
> > my idea as long as I think it's really right and it is the
> > responsibility of the community to pursuade me that my point is wrong
> > or it's just a matter of trade-off.  Additionally, we didn't have
> > issues related with framework on top of framework (or library) and
> > logger reentrancy at that time, and that's why I think we need to
> > reconsider the previous decision.
> >
> > I don't feel offended by the decision of the community.  What really
> > dismays me is this kind of personal offense.  Saying 'I won't go into
> > detail to keep some things private' just makes me laugh; what would
> > people imagine about me?  Is this intentional to spread out some
> > conspiracy theory?
> >
> > > However, regarding this thread coming back to life, it occurred right 
> > > after
> > > you explicitly searched for it.  You wanted to bring it up again, 
> > > primarily
> > > because it was an outstanding issue that you felt was legitimate.  Most
> > > importantly, it did not unfold in the manner you wanted it to be 
> > > addressed.
> >
> > Again, I did never searched for it both implicitly and explicitly, and
> > please note we got two new issues related with the current logging in
> > MINA which were discovered very recently.  You are saying that I will
> > do the best for MINA and I want to control this project at the same
> > time by saying 'Most importantly, it did not unfold in the manner you
> > wanted it to be addressed.'  It sounds like I am driving this project
> > for my personal benefit and you are upsetting me seriously.
> >
> > > This is all fine, but I'm wondering why David kicked it off and joined in.
> > > I'm not suggesting we have a "follow the leader" situation but the
> > > possibility is starting to occur regularly in my head.  This is happening
> > > because I fear having the merits of my points undermined by back channel
> > > coordination.  Again I am not accusing you of it.  I am stating it as a
> > > concern and something that my reasoning points to as a possibility.
> >
> > You don't need to worry about that at all.  I found David and I have
> > similar idea about logging and he is also the author of a framework
> > that suffers with many logging framework JARs.  He has his concern and
> > I have to resolve his concern as a committer of MINA project not as a
> > colleague of him.  Of course, our employer provides a private IRC
> > channel, but please note that our communication about MINA almost
> > always occurred in #mina channel at freenode.net or this mailing list.
> >
> > > Thankfully, the majority, of individuals on thread [0], naturally opposed
> > > the emergence of yet another logging API.  If they did not, then my voice 
> > > or
> > > any other opposing voice, would be drowned out. As a well respected and
> > > empowered member of this community, you should try to prevent your over
> > > whelming stature from drowning out fainter voices of reason.
> >
> > It sounds like that I have ever tried to bury someone's voice.  Did I
> > get something wrong?
> >
> > > Sometimes
> > > there is no absolute right or wrong decision and it's a trade off.  So, 
> > > when
> > > you possess so much influence, the responsible thing to do is to look out
> > > for those that have less influence but are trying to make a point for the
> > > benefit of the project.
> >
> > Who have less influence and who have more?  Do I have more influence
> > over this issue?  Or... is that you?  I might have more influence in
> > overall decision, but this thread is not the case as you already know.
> >
> > And.. explain me why it is a matter of trade-off.  To me, it's a
> > critical issue that hinders the adoption of MINA in many library
> > projects.  Anyone can create his or her own protocol implementation
> > and provide it as a new library wrapped with more protocol-specific
> > API, and then now we are forcing them to use SLF4J just because we
> > believe it's good no matter how he or she thinks about SLF4J.  I think
> > it's even against the spirit of the open source activity; it's rather
> > the violence over potential users.
> >
> > > The majority has expressed it's disinterest with this idea and sometimes 
> > > you
> > > need to yield to the community over your own beliefs of what is the best
> > > route.  Let the community find out for itself if it is wrong. Besides, 
> > > they
> > > got your message.  They already have the information for your approach
> > > imprinted twice now in the archives.  If the rest of us is wrong we can
> > > revisit the topic.  It's fair to say, the majority is still not interested
> > > in pursuing yet another logging API to be maintained by MINA.  So can we
> > > drop this, please?
> >
> > To finish this discussion, Maarten or any other community members will
> > have to provide a better alternative to my idea.  Why are you and they
> > ignoring those minorities who have *less influence* really by saying
> > 'just live with it'?  There are people out there who just can't live
> > with it.  Shoule we let people drop MINA from their dependency like I
> > did for Commons BeanUtils just because of logging?  That is a real
> > nonsense.
> Trustin, maybe there are people wo just can't live with it.
> But that's a weak argument, I could easily turn it around and say "I
> can't live with a thin logging layer within MINA."
> Of course, I am not gonna say this, since I don't know anything about
> this thin layer.
> A few mails higher in this thread I asked how this thin layer would work.
> Perhaps it would be easier to convince people by just showing the code ?

Thanks for focusing on the main topic first of all.  I fully
understood why my argument is weak now.  You made a really great
point.  I apologize for exercising some kind of potential violence on
you. ;)

Let me try to come up with the non-intrusive effort I've mentioned a
few minutes ago in the separate message first and then try the thin
layer approach to show if it is really thin.  I think it's right now
to close this thread really.  I'll zip my mouth from now one in this

what we call human nature is actually human habit
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