On Mon, 17 Dec 2007 20:11:20 +0100
"Maarten Bosteels" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi David,
> > Some people have feelings stronger than preference about it.  Also keep
> > in mind: you've got an application.  You are not developing a framework.
> >
> > How would you feel about things if MINA required slf4j AND jcl AND
> > log4j?  That would seem excessive, would it not?  It might even affect
> > one's willingness to use the framework.
> Suppose I am developing framework X that depends on projectA, projectB
> and projectC
> and suppose also that
> * projectA requires SLF4J
> * projectB requires JCL
> * projectC requires log4j
> Then I would take these steps to try to improve the situation:
> (1) try (hard) to convince the projectC team to switch to SLF4J
> (2) when (1) fails: search an alternative for projectC
> (3) try (probably less hard) to convince the projectB team to use
> SLF4J instead of JCL
> (4) if (3) fails, explain to the users of X why they need both jcl and
> SLF4J on their classpath
> (5) live with it.

My point is, as a framework, MINA should work to avoid imposing this
preference upon the consumer of the framework.  That's just "friendly"
programming practice: make as few assumptions as possible about the
user's environment, and impose as few constraints as possible.

> So, you would be better off trying to convince the teams of these
> non-ASF projects to switch their logging framework ?

To SLF4J?  I'm not as optimistic about my chances to get a non-ASF
project to use an ASF logging framework, as I am that I can convince an
ASF project to make their logging optional.

> > Therefore I am making an effort to convince the author(s) of these
> > frameworks upon which my project relies, to consider making logging
> > either configurable with no dependencies, or optional altogether.
> > Using JDK logging seems like a reasonable compromise.
> IMO, SLF4J makes logging configurable AND optional (using slf4j-nop.jar).

So you need two jars in order to... do nothing.  Since logging is
already mostly centralized in MINA, why not just have a simple switch
of some sort?  Even a static method that says "turn off logging" would
be better than the current situation.  Though e.g. a setter on
IoAcceptor and IoConnector (for example) would be ideal (as this also
might address the reentrancy problem that Trustin brought up).


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