Hello Simon,

I think we should try to standardize the first 2 or 3 links in the top
menu bar.

For the myfaces site

Apache|MyFaces|Download|Mailing Lists
(News archive makes no sense in the top menu)

for the subprojects

Apache|MyFaces|<subproject name>|XXX|Other useful link|YYY



> I've noticed some other inconsistent stuff that needs to be fixed.
> I think the most important is the issue I raised before: what should the
> top "menu bar" look like for sub-projects. If you look at the core
> modules for the moment, those links are all specific to "myfaces as a
> whole", not to the subproject currently being viewed.
> I would expect "overview" to take me to the overview for the project I
> am currently viewing, not to the myfaces overview. Also, while we do
> *currently* have a shared downloads page for all projects, and a common
> set of mailing lists for all projects I don't think this will always be
> the case. So I don't think the "download" or "mailing list" links are
> appropriate here.
> What I've done for tomahawk for example is just to have "Apache" and
> "MyFaces" links, and nothing else. I think this is nicer. Obviously, it
> would be even nicer to be consistent across all projects.
> core11/core12:
> * icons need updating
> Trinidad:
> * has the "faces" icon on the right, not on the left.
> * has no title in the first block of the left-hand pane.
> * has no list-of-myfaces-projects in the left-hand pane. This might
> actually be nicer than replicating the list-of-projects on each page
> (people can always go up to the main myfaces site) but we should be
> consistent.
> * has no link to "apache" in the top menu bar, just "MyFaces"
> * has the "foundation" section at the top, not the bottom
> * date-published format is yyyy-mm-dd, not "dd MMM yyyy"
> Regards,
> Simon

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