Many Facelets taglibs don't use Facelets tag handlers,
but simply wrap some xhtml templates. Nothing will stop these libraries to work with MyFaces if we allow old version taglibs. If we insist on refusing them people will simply switch to Mojarra to get their application to run. The argument of a xsd:restriction in the spec will help little. Just
taking old Facelets is *not* a solution, because the
rest of the application may want to use the new features.
Please try filing this as a bug to Mojarra as Matthias
proposed - if they fix it, MyFaces may insist on version=2.0, but if they don't I think we shouldn't
I've carried the question whether a JSF 2.0 compatible implementation is required to refuse old version facelets taglibs into the EG - let's see, what they have to say
on this ...

Best regards,
I see both ways; I think I don't like the fact that the RI has this "bug" :)
So, end of the story is, almost everybody will blame this to us ;-)
"Oh, crappy MyFaces doesn't work" etc :) All the FUD! :)

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