Hi all,

How are we doing in this discussion, at least, what can we do to release
the fix to the nb-javac which, without it, will otherwise cause refactoring
to fail if nb-javac is installed?


On Sun, Oct 27, 2019 at 12:19 PM Jan Lahoda <lah...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Fri, Oct 25, 2019 at 1:04 PM Neil C Smith <neilcsm...@apache.org>
> wrote:
> > On Thu, 24 Oct 2019 at 21:17, Jan Lahoda <lah...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > >> Still unsure about how we handle catalog and signing issues though.
> > >> Am I right in thinking with current situation people will see a
> > >> warning on update?  Definitely see this already when re-enabling
> > >> nb-javac.
> > >
> > > That is one of the things I'd like to try. The update will be a two
> > phase process - first update the nb/updatecenters module, and then
> > nb-javac. I *think* there should be no warning for the second update
> > (because the NBM is signed using the key that is embedded in the
> > updatecenters module), but I am less sure about how exactly the first
> > update will work.
> >
> > I'm fairly sure the first update at least will show a warning.
> > Installing other nbms from the distribution UC does now.
> >
> Yes, i am afraid so, unless we find a way to sensibly sign the NBMs.
> There is this (which is probably what Reema shared):
> https://blogs.apache.org/infra/entry/code_signing_service_now_available
> But I have no idea if we asked to an access there. (And if ASF would pay
> for each signed file, then singing several hundreds NBMs would not fly
> anyway, I think.) But we could at least use that for this update release
> (which will likely only consist of a handful of NBMs), and try to do
> something better for the future.
> But the second update should be without warning, if the NBMs is done
> properly.
> > Check the link Reema shared that I posted earlier.  We might be able
> > to use that, in the short term manually signing the relevant updates
> > via the web interface?  Except that shows a browser security error for
> > me.  And also specifies .jar extension.
> >
> > What other options are there?  Is there any *secure* way that we can
> > add trust in the IDE for modules built on ASF infrastructure?  If I
> > understand it correctly, the current way the third-party UC does this
> > will only work for a single build?
> >
> I wonder if we could validate the GPG signatures (.asc) we need to use
> anyway - the IDE could then have a list of "trusted" KEYs.
> Jan
> > Best wishes,
> >
> > Neil
> >

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