My bad, I just noticed there was a related question just last week…

From: Anthony Vanelverdinghe<>
Sent: Monday, 27 April 2020 21:16
Subject: Future of nb-javac and vanilla javac


What is the future direction of NetBeans w.r.t. nb-javac and "vanilla" javac?
NetBeans recommends nb-javac with a notification that says it “improves Java 
editing experience and enables compile on save”.
But on the other hand it lags behind vanilla javac w.r.t. supporting new 
language features (obviously), due to which I ran into the issue at [1]

So I was wondering: how far is vanilla javac behind nb-javac in terms of 
functionality? Are there plans to enhance it to the point where nb-javac 
becomes obsolete? If so, what would be a rough estimate on when that would be?

Thanks in advance for any insights.

Kind regards,


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