Dear Neil,

I've read this at least 4 times, now I hope I understand the most of it. I'm one of the weaker minds...

We are/can talking about different topics when we mention JDK Support.

1. Java IDE Source Editing Support, I know this is not what we are talking about here, but when people reads on NetBeans JDK Support this is what pops in their mind first.  So any announcements we put out should mention, that this won't change. (AFAIK, we are good from Java 5 - Java 19/20?)

2. NetBeans Platform Source and Runtime JDK compatibility. If I remember well we kept that on Java 8

3. NetBeans IDE Source and Runtime JDK compatibility. Again if I remember well, from NetBeans 13, when we lifted the official supported minimal runtime JDK version to JDK 11. We just allowed IDE modules to opt-in JDK 11, upon their wish, requiring that through the module manifest.

So we need to plan from here.

1. Are we planning to drop some pre-Java 8 support from our Java Support modules? I do not thinks so, though someone would see the need... (We have a bunch native code for Java 5 profiling, though...)

2. NetBeans Platform Source and Runtime JDK, is planned to be increased to Java 11 with NetBeans 19, that would be fine, and it would be good to announce that with NetBeans 17 and 18, 19 releases.

3. NetBeans IDE Source and Runtime JDK. This is a more open ended here. I think most of us won't have the problem raising the source/runtime level mandatory all across the modules to Java 11. Though LTS-1 could be a question as with Java 21 LTS (is that confirmed?), by NetBeans 19, Java 11 would be LTS-2. Should that mean, that NetBeans 19 would be compiled with Java 17, with mandatory source level of Java 11 and IDE modules can opt-in Java 17? Or should that be NetBeans 20?

I'd say let's figure these out for this year, in these three planes (Java Support, Platform, IDE), then we could extrapolate that to LTS-n style for the future.

On 2/5/23 07:52, Neil C Smith wrote:
On Wed, 11 Jan 2023 at 11:03, Neil C Smith <> wrote:
Yes, the sooner we can update what was agreed for NB13, the better.
But that requires notice (so not NB17, and possibly not NB18), a new
lazy consensus proposal, and no vetoes!
Let's talk some more about JDK 8 ... and JDK 11 for that matter! :-)

While the immediate NB17 issue was resolved, but given comments in
other threads more recently, it would be good not to let the
discussion on when and how to drop the rest of our JDK 8 support.  In
particular with JDK 21 (the next LTS) already on the horizon later
this year.

In the past I believe NetBeans supported current and previous Java
releases?  Now might be the time to consider what our long term plan
with the new JDK release schedule should be too.  Previously we've
discussed LTS-1, LTS and current as perhaps the limit of our capacity,
for both maintaining and testing infrastructure?

Firstly, do we look to move to JDK 11 as the baseline release for
compilation, and running of all modules from NetBeans 19 (Aug 2023)?
That allows us to advertise the NetBeans 18 platform as the last
release that will support JDK 8, as well as give us time to look at
remaining problems with tests?

Secondly, should we at the same time advertise a plan for future JDK
support so that IDE and platform users have something concrete to work
with?  This could be based on LTS-1, LTS and current.  We could take
the release of JDK 22, when JDK 21 stops being "current", as the point
where we drop support for JDK 11.  That would have NetBeans 22 (May
2024) requiring JDK 17 for build and run.

We have required JDK 11 for build some time before dropping JDK 8
support.  Do we go back to min JDK for build and run being the same
again, moving build and run min JDK 17 at the same time, or staggered?

Thoughts?  Concerns?  Alternatives?

Best wishes,


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