On Sun, Apr 2, 2023 at 9:38 AM Jaroslav Tulach <jaroslav.tul...@gmail.com>

> > >> https://github.com/apache/netbeans/issues/4904
> > >>
> > >> see also 'priority:high' label for more,
> > >
> > > The issue says "Many tests fail on JDK 11" - how does that compare to
> > > 8?
> > well. You mostly see this while trying to fix them. It always requires
> > extra work to keep supporting 8 too.
> The "extra work" is "keeping the code that already works"! We have code
> that
> works on JDK8 and there is no "extra work" to let it run on JDK8! Adding
> one
> additional `if (JDK11+)` check and writing new code is the "extra work",
> but
> it has nothing to do with supporting JDK8!

No, it's keeping ancient code that works kludged into a system that
desperately wants to move on.
The one line "if" isn't the problem, it's making sure the code in the body
of that if and the code in the "else" coexisting without problems.

Let's face it, the "code that already works" is NetBeans 17.  The "if" is
simple. IF you want to run on JDK 8, use NetBeans 17.
There has yet to be any justification presented to keep future versions
working on JDK 8.  Why should we be writing software for over 6 years ago
instead of software for today and tomorrow?

> > > I am a guy who cares about compatibility (of NetBeans): Please tell me
> if
> > > there is a test that doesn't work on JDK 8 and needs to be fixed.
> I am still willing to maintain JDK8 tests, CI & etc.

Okay.  Then maintain your own branch that works on JDK 8 and let the main
NetBeans code move on.

> > With every new JDK release it will become more difficult to keep
> > supporting JDK 8 as runtime.
> No. That is not true. The code exists and works. You don't have to do
> anything
> special to continue support it.

No. That is not true.  The burden to keep JDK 8 code working *while the
world around that code changes* is significant.
E.g if we chose to use a Record for something that needs to pass through a
JDK 8 compatible code path, what then?

> > It also becomes increasingly difficult to
> > motivate myself to fix JDK 8 issues in my freetime.
> I can imagine that. However we are not coding NetBeans to please
> ourselves,
> but to please our users. NetBeans Platform users need JDK8 support.

So far you are the only user that has spoken up about wanting (much less
needing) NetBeans to run on JDK 8.
Where are the other users? Why do they need *future* versions of NB on JDK
8 rather than what they are running now? (This has been asked multiple
times and I don't think we've ever got an answer, but I may have missed it.)

> That's why
> I am volunteering to maintain and run the CI & tests on JDK8.

And when the tests fail? Are you going to do all the fixes?
If so, how is it different from you personally maintaining a JDK 8
compatible branch of NetBeans?

Sorry,  I'm with Mr. Gosling on this one.  Let JDK 8 die, or rather, as he
put it, "kill it."


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