
Apache has a concept of small reversible steps, if something can move the 
project forward, try it out, it it doesn’t work or you find a problem need just 
make another small step in the right direction.

Many many Apache projects use CTR (commit and review later) and have simple 
workflows and the sky doesn’t fall in and the code quality is still 
exceptional. While that doesn’t mean this project need to go down that path, 
perhaps however think about how likely the worse outcome is and how easily it 
will be to fix. You have many many eyes on the codebase, attracting more 
committers make that easier. Setting the committer bat too high or having a 
process that is too difficult to follow can stop committers from contributing 
and perhaps even kill the project. I can point to some examples, one in 
particular keep denying right to the end that "code quality” was more important 
than having committers until it reached a point where it had no active 
committers You primary concern should be to make it easy for people to get 
involved and grow the community.

I would also suggest you try to slow down the conversation here and think a 
little more about what you write, that way you get higher quality responses. 
There is much honour in the email not sent.


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