Hi Mike,

Thank you very much for your fast reply.

I'm CC our mailing list (I hope you don't get angry with me) because
your words are really inspiring for everyone here!

Case you find your initial M68K port please let us know! I think it
should be a nice achievement for NuttX to retro-computing community.

We are missing you! You was always prone to help everyone and your
level of knowledge is remarkable, I learned a lot from you!



On 10/12/22, Mike Smith <drzip...@gmail.com> wrote:
> G'day Alan,
> I worked on a port to the 68k a while back, but it stalled for various
> reasons; real work got in the way, and I recall at least one technical issue
> related to interrupt / exception handling (likely surmountable, but I don't
> remember the details).
> As you see, I'm still contactable 8) but as Greg notes I had to put my
> involvement with NuttX (and many other things) on hold in order to focus on
> paying work. Regrettable. 8(
> I did a little digging around, but I haven't been able to locate the working
> copy. If I do I'll pass it along, but it wasn't anything revolutionary and
> could probably be replicated in a couple of days - especially with the
> emulation options now available.
> As an aside, the current state of NuttX is simply remarkable. I haven't had
> time to look at the community, but the continued growth and maturity of the
> code is an inspiration, and I have used it as an example to other teams more
> than once. Whatever the community is doing, it certainly looks like it
> works. 8)
> Regards,
>  = Mike
>> On Oct 10, 2022, at 4:24 PM, Alan C. Assis <acas...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi Mike,
>> How are you?
>> Greg commented about you today, he said you did the NuttX port to Motorola
>> 68k !
>> Is that true? If so, could you share it and we'll clean-up and upstream
>> it.
>> BR,
>> Alan
>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>> From: Gregory Nutt <spudan...@gmail.com>
>> Date: Mon, 10 Oct 2022 16:49:26 -0600
>> Subject: Re: [RESULT] Release Apache NuttX (Incubating) 11.0.0 [RC2]
>> To: dev@nuttx.apache.org
>> Several years ago Mike Smith did a 68000 port of NuttX.  I’m not sure if
>> he
>> completed it or not, but the port never came upstream.  Mike is no longer
>> involved with NuttX and probably not contactable.  If anyone out there in
>> PX4 land knows where Mike kept his code, that might be helpful.
>> A port to one of the WDC 65xx parts would also be interesting:
>> https://www.westerndesigncenter.com/
>> On Mon, Oct 10, 2022 at 4:12 PM Sebastien Lorquet <sebast...@lorquet.fr>
>> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> If you want to play with 68k, tell me, the ti68k calculators
>>> (ti89,92+,v200,titanium) should be great platforms: 256K RAM and 2-4M
>>> flash, full keyboard and lcd screen.
>>> They have some peculiarities, I could help with drivers or find friends
>>> that could.
>>> The cemetech/tiplanet communities should like it.
>>> Sebastien
>>> On 10/8/22 18:06, Tomek CEDRO wrote:
>>>> On Sat, Oct 8, 2022 at 4:58 PM Alan C. Assis wrote:
>>>>> Hi Tomek,
>>>>> I think 6502 compiler are evolving, but I don't know if they are
>>> compatible.
>>>>> There is a interesting comparison here:
>>>>> https://gglabs.us/node/2293
>>>>> CC. Gabriele here, since I don't know if here is in our list!
>>>> Thank you Alan :-) 8-bit platforms are on list, but before I would
>>>> like to make smooth out-of-the box experience with NuttX on FreeBSD,
>>>> then port MicroPython to NuttX, then as a training in porting I would
>>>> prefer to target 16-bit MC68000 in the first place (Atari + Amiga),
>>>> then 8-bit Atari, in that order, and all of that in my free time
>>>> between other tasks, so there is no rush :-)

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