Hello Alan and Mike :-)

Most of us cyberpunks have this problem with time division between
what we want to do and what we have to do :-)

Mike, your core work might be a good fundament for other people, when
it is in the upstream someone can pick a task in a free moment, and
piece by piece it may lead to a working solution.. this will be also a
fun / hobby project for me :-)

I am also in contact with Hans from BeastieLabs, he did crosscompile
Minix to Atari ST on FreeBSD some time ago. Although there is no port,
only a build script, this also may be a good starting point for
MC68000 crossdevelopment on FreeBSD :-)


Best regards :-)

CeDeROM, SQ7MHZ, http://www.tomek.cedro.info

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