On Mon, Jan 22, 2024 at 8:10 AM Alin Jerpelea wrote:
> time is flying and we are almost at the end of January
> I think that we should have a live meeting to plan the website and open the
> CFP to give people time plan the trip. I would recommend to host the event
> Thursday-Friday to avoid the jet-lag and encourage local participation .

On the other international conferences that I help to organize and
execute we have an online all-hand-on-deck meeting every two weeks for
several months in advance.. while closer to the event there may be
more meetings as required.

We can use google calendar + meet + docs.. or we could use existing
Discord server for meetings?

How about initial meeting this week? What would be preferred day and UTC time?

Wednesday around 20:00 UTC would be best for me but I can adapt :-) I
am CET (UTC+1) and in summer time CEST (UTC+2) timezone (Warsaw Time).

I can also help in updating the even website :-)


ps/2: Twitch.TV platform gets popular and I think we should create
NuttX profile there and also use for live stream in addition to

CeDeROM, SQ7MHZ, http://www.tomek.cedro.info

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