> Hi all,
> There is perhaps a solution to this kind of problems. You maybe know that 
> recently the ASF created a sort of sandbox : the labs
> http://hammett.castleproject.org/?p=91. Unfortunately this is reserved to 
> Apache commiters.
> But in a recent mail David explained that soon 6 new OFBiz commiters will be 
> invited. So in a near future we will be 13 commiters
if every person accept to assume of course.
> Then, when needed (by vote I guess) we may create an entry in the labs for a 
> specific task if at least a commiter is OK to tackle
it. By needed I mean if enough people want to work on a subject (aka task) that 
is really too hard to manage through the standard
process (Jira patches).
> What do you think folks ?
> Jacques

Of course this is not a solution to the hypothetical  problem that Chris 
raises. We might use the knowledge available (Legal
discuss) to clear things, why not ?


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