there is a sql ability in the webtools
so I am sure that can be implemented in code.

Adam Heath sent the following on 10/18/2007 12:39 AM:
> David mentioned recently that the delegator has quite a number of
> methods in it; this can be daunting to new users.
> If it could handle sql natively, then this could be reduced.
> EntityCondition condition = new EntityConditionList(
>       UtilMisc.toList(
>               new EntityExpr("firstName", EntityOperator.LIKE, "%Adam%"),
>               new EntityExpr("lastName", EntityOperator.LIKE, "%Heath%")
>       ),
>       EntityOperator.AND
> );
> List people = delegator.findByConditionCache("Person", condition, null,
> UtilMisc.toList("firstName", "lastName"));
> ... or ....
> Query query = delegator.compileSql("SELECT * FROM Person WHERE firstName
> LIKE $firstName AND lastName LIKE $lastName ORDER BY firstName, lastName");
> query.setParameter("firstName", "%Adam%");
> query.setParameter("lastName", "%Heath%");
> List people = delegator.runQuery(query);
> The compiled query could be cached, or created during an init phase;
> this would speed things up.  Additionally, views could also be done with
> this sql code.  And the sql string could be generated by a template;
> meaning that whole parts of it might be conditional, using
> freemarker/velocity conditions, both on joins, and regular group
> by/order by/select fields/conditions.

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