about a month ago david ask the community for feed back on those that
have 4.0 in production.
I have not see that much feed back about it so apparently there are not
that many using it in production.
I believe once more report that they are using 4.0 in production and are
not running into problems that would the be point to freeze it and release.

Jonathon -- Improov sent the following on 11/16/2007 7:18 PM:
> Well, clearchris has a point. Is there a defined release date for 4.0?
> It depends on the management's view of OFBiz 4.0. If it is considered
> alpha, go on ahead and insert any amount of enhancements into it. But if
> it is considered beta, it would be good to be strict about things, and
> pop in only bug fixes.
> The question to ask is whether management intends for OFBiz 4.0 to be
> frozen or not. Is it released/published already or not? If it is
> considered already published, I'd really like to see further
> enhancements in OFBiz 4.1. From a psychological perspective, it's
> exciting to see OFBiz 4.1, rather than see OFBiz 4.0 improve
> tremendously "behind-the-scenes" over one long year.
> Picture what I'd tell my clients: "Boss, I know OFBiz 4.0 was shaky 10
> months ago, but the 4.0 then is a far cry from the 4.0 now!". It'd be
> easier saying: "Boss, we now have OFBiz 4.4. Here are the list of
> improvements over 4.0.".
> Then some folks may say that OFBiz 4.0 as it is now is unusable, that no
> one in right mind will use 4.0 given the horrible security issue
> outstanding. What then? I say, we let 4.0 die. Time to move on! 4.0 was
> published, management should stick to that decision. Roll out the next
> version!
> Now on to technical considerations. SVN branches are "hotlinked", ie
> branching 4.1 from 4.0 only creates a cheap reference to 4.0, not an
> entire copy of 4.0. Any changes to 4.1 will then take up further
> harddisk space, so only deltas above 4.0 are stored on disk. There will
> still be only *one* copy of the entire 4.0 code.
> Now we question whether there'll be tons of confusion if we roll out a
> whole army of the 4.x family. The crucial thing we *must* do is to make
> sure the 4.x family are fully compatible with one another such that
> upgrading/downgrading along the family line requires zero migration
> effort. Also, make sure that any bug fixes can be *uniformly* applied
> across the whole family. What that also means is any enhancements that
> are too radical and that may break above requirement cannot be put into
> the 4.x family.
> So what's the point of having 4.0 and 4.1? Ease of bug-reporting! A
> non-techie person can say "I found the bug in 4.0". So he didn't have
> time to upgrade to 4.1, or maybe 4.1 is an unlucky number for him. Then
> the response we give him? "Sir, have you gotten the latest updates for
> 4.0"? He either says "no" and he updates and retest, or he says "yes"
> and we hunt for the bug in that *specific release version that is 4.0*!
> Or if we want to, we could say that "4.0 is dead, please use 4.2".
> In short, here's the plan. OFBiz 4.1 goes into alpha, and takes in all
> sorts of enhancements as long as they don't break backward-compatibility
> with 4.0. OFBiz 4.0 continues beta, until such time that it is
> super-bugfree. We'll have a series of 4.x members, with the earlier ones
> getting more stable than the later ones (later ones take in risky new
> enhancements). How will that happen? Anyone finding a bug in the latest
> 4.x member can also apply the similar bug fix to 4.0 (or 4.y where y <
> x). The bug fixes cascade down to earlier 4.x members, making them more
> stable over time, even as the community tests only the newest 4.x member.
> Throughout the whole 4.x lineage, no extra harddisk space is taken up.
> SVN makes cheap "copies". Only deltas are stored.
> Is that clearly explained? Or did I just confuse version control with
> cake-baking?
> Jonathon
> Jacques Le Roux wrote:
>> Finally, have we an idea about what to do :o)
>> Do we need a vote for this ? Maybe a generalisation for "security"
>> case as features to back port in any case ?
>> Create release4.0 (and later when they will come) branches as proposed
>> by Jonathon ?
>> Jacques
>> De : "clearchris" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>> I had no idea the can of worms this would open up when I entered the
>>> issue.
>>> I come down on the side of wanting this patch in the release branch.
>>> Further, as there is no defined release date for 4.0, I would
>>> consider it
>>> still open for very high-priority issues that are not traditionally
>>> defined
>>> as "bugs".  Ofbiz customers, if they are using the release branch in
>>> production or close to production would probably do well to lag a bit
>>> and
>>> run with an older revision of the release branch.  Regressions can
>>> always be
>>> an issue, even with bug "fixes".
>>> Chris
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: David E Jones [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Thursday,
>>> November 15, 2007 4:11 PM
>>> To: dev@ofbiz.apache.org
>>> Subject: Re: release4.0: OFBIZ-1106 (in or out?)
>>> On Nov 15, 2007, at 11:18 AM, Michael Jensen wrote:
>>>> Using that logic, you could say that almost any previous bugs were
>>>> really "as-implemented" features and no changes should ever be made to
>>>> the current release branch.
>>>> If it was found somewhere in ofbiz that sensitive information was
>>>> submitted over http instead of https, would that be considered a bug?
>>>> Or would it be discounted as "well, it's a bad choice but that's
>>>> how  it
>>>> was implemented"?
>>>> I understand that the difficult thing about this is that the bug/
>>>> feature
>>>> line has to be drawn somewhere.  (I know where I'd draw it, especially
>>>> on security related issues.)
>>> It's really not that tough... As I described in depth in my previous 
>>> post in this thread there is no need to muddy the meaning of "bug".
>>> Maybe the word you are looking for is "issue"?
>>> This isn't a "bug" per-se, but certainly an "issue" and solving that 
>>> issue requires a new feature. That doesn't mean it can't go into the 
>>> release branch, but non-bug-fixes should be carefully considered 
>>> before being added.
>>>> I'm curious to see how things pan out on this.  It will tell me how
>>>> seriously security is taken by the people driving ofbiz.
>>> This is a common misconception. There are no "people driving ofbiz".
>>> OFBiz is a community-driven project and things happen when a user 
>>> needs something, implements it, and contributes it back to the 
>>> project. Even committers on OFBiz are just users who have a long 
>>> history of contributions and are invited to be committers to 
>>> facilitate further involvement.
>>> Security or not, things will only be fixed if someone cares enough. 
>>> The flip side of that is that if someone doesn't like how something
>>> is  in OFBiz and they don't do anything about it, they have only 
>>> themselves to blame, as uncomfortable and frighteningly empowering
>>> as  that may be. ;)
>>> -David
>>>> Ray Barlow wrote:
>>>>> As you say plenty of good points so rather than repeat lengthy 
>>>>> arguments
>>>>> for or against I'll keep it simple and just say I don't think it 
>>>>> should
>>>>> be described as a bug as it was implemented this way. Bad choice 
>>>>> maybe
>>>>> but it's a feature change.
>>>>> Having said that I do think it should be seriously considered for the
>>>>> release branch because of it's small footprint and improvement on
>>>>> a  very
>>>>> weak and insecure area.
>>>>> Ray
>>>>> Dan Shields wrote:
>>>>>> Thanks Jacques.   Is there any further action by me that might be
>>>>>> advised?   I was wondering because I was considering declaring a
>>>>>> referendum on the issue on the user list as per David Jones'
>>>>>> suggestion.
>>>>>> Wow I guess that what we have here is "the absence of this new 
>>>>>> feature
>>>>>> is a bug".
>>>>>> I must say, the dev-debate that it has inspired has been impressive!
>>>>>> There are good arguments both for viewing the patch as a bug, as 
>>>>>> well
>>>>>> as equally good arguments for viewing it as a feature.  It really
>>>>>> surprised me because up until that point in time (when I blindly
>>>>>> stumbled into this) my view was entirely to think about it as a bug
>>>>>> only.  The author of OFBIZ-1106 never knew the difference between
>>>>>> 'code that failed to hide the password' and 'the complete absence of
>>>>>> code that successfully hid the password', he just knew that the
>>>>>> software did not do 'as it should', and this was exactly my point of
>>>>>> view in devising a solution as well.  It requires a strong
>>>>>> metaphysical argument to even tell the difference between the points
>>>>>> of fact that might exist in the software that would reveal the 
>>>>>> actual
>>>>>> intent of the original design.  My feeling is that it was either
>>>>>> overlooked accidentally, or it was not convenient to declare the XUI
>>>>>> XPage in a manner that made sense to have both regular input and
>>>>>> password input in the same node of the tree but at different times
>>>>>> (this convenience is what I provided in the patch).
>>>>>> As I said above I am willing to take this to the user list and 
>>>>>> invite
>>>>>> all users who run a release4.0 branch to submit an accept/reject 
>>>>>> vote,
>>>>>> as I think this feature/bug (or bug/feature) is important enough to
>>>>>> the success of release4.0 to warrant.
>>>>>> I am happily sitting on the fence and content to let this issue go
>>>>>> either way.  I am finding it fascinating.
>>>>>> Cheers all
>>>>>> Dan

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