> Do you mean that a tag is also a lazy copie like branches are ?

Yup. Under the hood in SVN, it's exactly like a branch. As I said, a "tag" in SVN is really a "branch" that is frozen. It is frozen by policy or by self-discipline (human endeavor).

In fact, think of it this way, may be easier. A branch is created with the 
following steps:

1. A "tag" or "branch stub" is created via a "cheap copy" (or lazy copy?)

2. The "branch stub" is changed, updated, and becomes a "branch" (more than a

> BTW I think the time is coming to answer questions like in
> What to you think, you developpers ?

You mean "how soon will the release be official"?

Right now, if I can help it.

You see, the moment you label a release branch as "beta", it is deemed decent enough to be published. And "published" in this context will mean publishing a convenient tarball (lessen load on SVN server). This tarball should be downloaded by very many evaluators and testers (or we can offer free ice-cream all around the world to recruit more testers). This publication should be OFBiz 4.0 beta-1.

What about new bugs after OFBiz 4.0 beta-1 is published? Do we say "oops" and "un-publish" the beta? Nope. Let the testers report the bugs. Keep patching the beta until it's time for the next release (say... monthly?). When it's time for the next release, release OFBiz 4.0 beta-2.

Replace beta-1 with beta-rc1 if you choose to use the concept of "release 

The way we are doing it now, it's anal-retentive. It's like saying "wait, boss, one more bugfix, just one more", and saying that for a whole long year! I usually publish "release candidates" for my boss, let him test it, let him scream the bug reports to me, then release the next "release candidate" when he's gotten upset enough.

Ok, next question. So why not just let the whole world test the moving OFBiz 4.0 branch? Why bother with publishing tarballs and release candidates? Here's a simple analogy. Try telling our bosses "boss, can you learn some SVN and test my bugfixes, so I don't have to prepare tarballs for you?". Perhaps a good 99% of the population don't want to hear the 3 letters "SVN" when they attempt to download and test OFBiz.

Also, given that the 3rd-party binaries (more than 50% of OFBiz download size is *not* OFBiz codes!) is in the SVN, it is in the OFBiz PMC's interest to lessen the load on the SVN server wherever possible.

Just my 2 cents. I'm feeling very embarrassed for beating this topic so much to 
death by now.


Jacques Le Roux wrote:

I just re-read you message below and I'm not quite sure to understand because 
for me a tag is just a name for a revision number.

I wrote
Notably <<Once a release branch stabilizes an initial "stable" release tag
 > and pre-built package will be issued>>

You answered
What this means is:

1. Receive fixes for OFBiz 4.0 branch (it's a progressing branch)

2. Stabilize OFBiz 4.0 branch (time to freeze)

3. Fork a new branch called OFBiz 4.0.stable (non-progressing branch)
That's the meaning of "tag" in SVN. In fact, "tag" in CVS is about the same 
(effected with
"branching"), just that CVS branching is not the same "cheap copies" as in SVN.
Do you mean that a tag is also a lazy copie like branches are ?

 > though as I'm not a svn branch expert I may not understand something here (I
 > seems easier to me to put a tag on a branch than to have to deal with multi
 > sub-branches) ?

It's the same. A "tag" is simply a branch that (by policy and self-discipline) 
is never updated,
never changed.
For me this is 2 differents things. A tag is a named revision number (in trunk 
or branches), a branch is a copy made at some point
from the trunk (initially) or another branch (thereafter)
A "branch" is a branch that continues to grow.

Think of a "tag" as a teeny tiny branch that serves as a "marker", a stub that 
never grows.
Then maybe it's only a vocabulary issue between us. You use tag for a frozen 
branch, which indeed makes sense in a way.

BTW I think the time is coming to answer questions like in

What to you think, you developpers ?


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