
If that was a law, then the project would never move forward. OFBiz will take advantage of new technologies when they appear. Sometimes that means backward compatibility will take a back seat.



I agree with BJ.  Backward compatibility should be a LAW only broken for a
very compelling reason, note a goal.


-----Original Message-----
From: BJ Freeman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, November 18, 2007 11:46 PM
Subject: well so much for backward compatibility. (RANT)

I just plugged my code from ver 4.0 into trunk
guess what
none of it works.
so what happend to depreciating then removing, based on releases.
Sure ver 1.5 has lots of neat things.
but shouldn't we try to conserve as much of the programming effort as we
Why not add the same functions and method and leave the 1.4 compatibility

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