Hi Jacques,

Honestly I was shocked by this email, I'm working on deploying OFBiz in 
Kubernetes, are you monitoring me?

In 2010, Kubernetes was quite new and not good enough, now it's the standard on 
cloud deploy management, and we can support it.

Before doing that, we have to answer some common questions in cloud running 
lifecycle, such as how may instances/requests can share one CPU, how to 
deliver(create) an instance, how to isolate an instance, how to offline, how to 
remove, how to online again and etc.

Personally I don't think we have to remove current multi-tenants implements, 
add a SAAS implement would be OK.

Kind Regards,

Shi Jinghai

发件人: Jacques Le Roux [mailto:jacques.le.r...@les7arts.com] 
发送时间: 2018年8月29日 17:46
收件人: dev@ofbiz.apache.org
主题: Should we keep the multi-tenants feature in OFBiz?


The multi-tenants feature in OFBiz only allows a dozens or maybe even few 
hundreds tenants, after it begin to be a lot of DBs!
I faced that with a startup which wanted to handle thousands, if not millions 
(actually they failed), of tenants, obviously OFBiz can't do that.

I don't break any secret to say that I was working with David (and Andrew) on a 
project in 2010 when David had to quickly answer to the client's 
demand who wanted to have tenants. David brilliantly and quickly delivered, but 
it was only a start.

After many improvements, this feature still have some issues

Also this is somehow related

And most importantly

I recently read this article


and, after my experiences with multi-tenant as is in OFBiz, it made me wonder 
if we should not think about how it's done now in OFBiz in 2018 with the 
clouds being everywhere!

Before sending this email, I quickly exchanged with David about how Moqui 
handles that now. And we are on the same page, see



[1] Initially David gave me this link


but it seems LinkedIn has lost it, as said in the stackoverflow comment.

So IMO why not deprecating the multi-tenants as is now and rather push a 
multi-instances way?



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