Hi  ,

I strongly feel we should.

For me, multi-tenency is the key feature in supporting more number of
with a single instance of Java/tomcat. Think of running 20  under-utilized
OFBiz instances
each *locking* up say 1GB ram versus 1 multi-tenant OFBiz instance
allocated with a
copious amount of RAM say 4-8GB ram.

a dozens or maybe even few hundreds tenants, after it begin to be a lot of
> DBs!

I would want to understand for whom does it becomes a *lot* of DB ?
In case it is about persistent connections to 100s' of distinct uris (ie.
host+user+db combination)
from the JDBC pool, we can offload the connection pooling feature to an
pooler , (eg: pgpool or pgbouncer , in case of postgreSQL) , and convert
the connection
mode from persistent to non-persistent at the tomcat level . So a *new*
connection is made
on a HTTP request and disconnected as soon as the request is served.
in oracle we have:
in postgreSQL:
In case it is the sheer number of db connections i feel users can come up
with their own
architectures suiting their environment.

(disclaimer: I am not expert in tomcat but i am trying to draw parallels
with other application servers)

And its not only a matter of resource sharing only, deploying  a new client
on a multi tenant OFBiz
instance is 10 times simpler than creating a new instance and configuring a
new OFBiz instance
itself ( discounting the factor or chef/puppet /salt/ansible/your favorite
automation tool) .

I feel It will be a big loss unless an equivalent feature is found out ,
the equivalent  IMHO is multi-tenant feature itself without the warts :-).

@Jacques Le Roux <jacques.le.r...@les7arts.com>  there is also:
https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/OFBIZ-10284 for which i had worked on
a patch.

my 2 cents


On Wed, Aug 29, 2018 at 6:19 PM Shi Jinghai <huaru...@hotmail.com> wrote:

> Hi Jacques,
> Honestly I was shocked by this email, I'm working on deploying OFBiz in
> Kubernetes, are you monitoring me?
> In 2010, Kubernetes was quite new and not good enough, now it's the
> standard on cloud deploy management, and we can support it.
> Before doing that, we have to answer some common questions in cloud
> running lifecycle, such as how may instances/requests can share one CPU,
> how to deliver(create) an instance, how to isolate an instance, how to
> offline, how to remove, how to online again and etc.
> Personally I don't think we have to remove current multi-tenants
> implements, add a SAAS implement would be OK.
> Kind Regards,
> Shi Jinghai
> -----邮件原件-----
> 发件人: Jacques Le Roux [mailto:jacques.le.r...@les7arts.com]
> 发送时间: 2018年8月29日 17:46
> 收件人: dev@ofbiz.apache.org
> 主题: Should we keep the multi-tenants feature in OFBiz?
> Hi,
> The multi-tenants feature in OFBiz only allows a dozens or maybe even few
> hundreds tenants, after it begin to be a lot of DBs!
> I faced that with a startup which wanted to handle thousands, if not
> millions (actually they failed), of tenants, obviously OFBiz can't do that.
> I don't break any secret to say that I was working with David (and Andrew)
> on a project in 2010 when David had to quickly answer to the client's
> demand who wanted to have tenants. David brilliantly and quickly
> delivered, but it was only a start.
> After many improvements, this feature still have some issues
>      https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/OFBIZ-6066
>      https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/OFBIZ-7900
>      https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/OFBIZ-6164
>      https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/OFBIZ-6065
> Also this is somehow related
>      https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/OFBIZ-6712
> And most importantly
>      https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/OFBIZ-7112
>      https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/OFBIZ-7754
> I recently read this article
> https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/architecture-constraints-end-multi-tenancy-gregor-hohpe/
> and, after my experiences with multi-tenant as is in OFBiz, it made me
> wonder if we should not think about how it's done now in OFBiz in 2018 with
> the
> clouds being everywhere!
> Before sending this email, I quickly exchanged with David about how Moqui
> handles that now. And we are on the same page, see
> https://www.linkedin.com/groups/4640689/4640689-6180851287941201924
> https://stackoverflow.com/questions/41952818/does-moqui-framework-2-0-still-support-mutli-tenency?rq=1
> [1]
> [1] Initially David gave me this link
> https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/multi-instance-moqui-docker-david-e-jones/
> but it seems LinkedIn has lost it, as said in the stackoverflow comment.
> So IMO why not deprecating the multi-tenants as is now and rather push a
> multi-instances way?
> Opinions?
> Jacques

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