On Sat, Sep 1, 2018 at 2:09 PM Nicolas Malin <nicolas.ma...@nereide.fr>

> Hello,
> After analyze the webapp accounting AR and accounting AP, I didn't see
> any logic to keep them on the functional framework. The main webapp is
> accounting, AP/AR are a business orientation that we can load at demand
> through plugins.
> Your opinion ?

As far as I remember, the AP/AR web applications were created as a
specialized versions of the user interfaces for some business processes
(account receivables and account payables related tasks) that were already
available in the more general "accounting" web application. I like the idea
to move them to plugins but, as mentioned by Taher, we should also verify
if there are specific features that are available only in the AP/AR version
and not in the "accounting" application: if we find some, then we should
migrate the basic artifacts to the main "accounting" app and then move the
specialized screens to plugins. I think such cases will be rare but one
possible candidate is the "batch payment" functionality of the AR app.

> PS: In the same idea we can move on separate plugin all thirdparty
> accounting element to slimdown the accounting component and must harness
> the plugin system :)



> Nicolas

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