Hello Olivier,

Olivier Heintz <holiv...@apache.org> writes:

> As explained in a previous mail, we (me and others co-worker in a company I 
> am working for) are working on a POC for using Vue.js as GUI generated
> from the current screens/forms/menu xml ofbiz files.
> The customer goals is to be able to migrate a lot of existing Portal / 
> portlet developed with ofbiz R13.07 on trunk and on a modern GUI.
> The main customer specification / requirement are, for the first step of 
> migration
> 1. minimum of modifications on xml file, to have the easier and quicker 
> migration
> 2. same GUI rules, to facilitate user acceptance
> 3. new GUI for a component should be working with classic GUI for other 
> components
> Enhancement can be possible but will be applied in a second step with 
> productOwner check and validation.
> Current POC status is : done with example for some screen / field /menu, 
> waiting user testing feed back before starting partymgr migration.
> Our demo platform is 
> https://ofbiz-selenium.ofbizextra.org/examplefjs/control/main with admin / 
> ofbiz
> the chosen architecture is,
> 1. a new ScreenViewHandler which
> - use new renderer for screen / form /menu
> - to return a json with 2 map
> * ViewScreen with detail about presentation (similar to xml tag and properies)
> * ViewEntity with data to populate ui generated (extract from screen/forms 
> data)

Providing a JSON view handler is very interesting because it enables any kind
of Javascript front-end to consume data rendered by existing OFBiz screens
(with data preparation, etc).  This contributes to the current effort of
implementing a REST API by enabling consumers to have a JSON representation of
the retrieved data which is convenient to manipulate from Javascript [1].

Would you be interested in spending some time integrating this view handler
inside the framework?

The requirements for such task would be to lint the code, write some
integration tests, some javadoc, some comments explaining the non-obvious
parts of the implementation, ... well a non-negligeable amount of work which
is important for maintainability reasons.

For example one requirement would be to use ‘org.apache.ofbiz.base.lang.JSON’
instead of ‘org.json.simple.JSONObject’ in order to avoid depending on
multiple JSON libraries.

Moreover on the features side, it might be interesting to make the
presentation related stuff optional for consumers only interested by the data
aspect of the data.

What do you think?

[1] https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/OFBIZ-4274

Mathieu Lirzin
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