
I think you cannot make the tool responsible for how it is used in this particular case.

The issue was opened for review only after the feature branch from Jacques was opened, before the exchange was meant to be just between Jacques and James.

The contributors could have created a feature branch and work on it together but chose to exchange patch files.

Jira is not to be blamed here.


Michael Brohl

ecomify GmbH -

Am 12.03.20 um 09:53 schrieb Samuel Trégouët:
Hi Michael,

To justify the need of making a change, to me the question is quite the
opposite: what does GitHub offer which Jira does not in the domain of
contributing/ project management/ issue tracking?
Jira review process is awfull!

I tried to review OFBIZ-11306 and give up after 3 revisions… Now there
are 40 patches attached. How can you tell which one is ok? Tell me which
one is fixing another after which discussion? …

If we care about reviewing patches/contribution we should stop using


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