You're right, it would look funny to have a header without a label.

Not sure how helpful they'll be, but some random thoughts:

1. if screen space is of concern these are a good candidate (among many others) for elimination or consolidation; others that come to mind are moving the new button up by the description, perhaps to the right of the screen; if the header of a screenlet is eliminated the +/- could go inside the lower box to the right or something

2. does the proliferation of header bars clutter the screen?

3. if the default behavior is mostly to show one or another (ie first show the criteria, then after submission show the results), perhaps just use two tabs for this, one for criteria and one for results?

4. the term "Criteria" seems a little bit technical and perhaps not well understand; alternatives that come to mind are: constraints, parameters, options, values, stuff, thingies, doo-dads... there's got to be something better...


On Feb 9, 2008, at 5:34 PM, Adrian Crum wrote:

Well, I still recall pretty clearly the first time I used OFBiz and I remember being confused by the Find screens - mainly because the terminology was inconsistent. That's the main reason for this RFC.

I don't know how a new user would view unlabeled screenlets. I guess we could give it a try and wait for feedback.

Take a look at the screen shots in this Jira issue -

I thought that Find screen was simple, yet intuitive.


David E Jones <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Thinking about this a little it seems like given the nature of the
forms the purpose is pretty obvious. Is it even necessary to label
these sections? Or in other words, could we live without them and just
simplify them out?


On Feb 9, 2008, at 2:54 PM, Adrian Crum wrote:

Currently, the defacto standard layout for Find screens is like this:

Page Title

Create New Button

Search Criteria Screenlet

Search Results Screenlet

What I'm wondering is if we can standardize the screenlet titles The
search criteria screenlet title bar would say "Search Criteria" and
the search results screenlet title bar would say "Search Results".
The page title already tells you what you're searching for.

I believe this will help improve the consistency of the UI and make
it easier for new users to understand.

What do you think?


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