I created a Jira issue where screenshots can be posted and we can share ideas on this subject -



David E Jones wrote:

On Feb 10, 2008, at 8:23 AM, Adrian Crum wrote:

Jacques Le Roux <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:We should note that it's not the most common way to do this sort of thing (tabs are). I think there are at least 2 reasons for this:

. it recalls a "real-life" artifact (people grab them faster)
. it's more ergonomic (less clutter)

I think we really should introduce a tab concept in OFBiz using an existing Ajax feature. I only suggest and have no time to work on
it right now...

I'm not able to picture what you and David are proposing. If someone could post a small example to Jira, or give me a link to a web page that has an example, then I'm sure it will be an easy task for me to add it into the screenlet widget.

Basically instead of having two screenlets one above the other have a single screenlet with two divided text areas, ie "tabs", one for options and the other for results. There would be one bottom area that changes depending on which tab has been clicked on most recently. The bottom would actually be 2 divs but one of the two would be hidden at any given time. This isn't _really_ an "AJAX" thing as it would not imply any background/asynchronous server communication (though that would be neat too, to update results and paginate and such without reloading the page). Anyway, this is already done in the WebTools Entity Data Maintenance page for view/edit and entity record.


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