Depending on your usage, that may or may not be a good example.  Google Maps 
begins to choke at about 500 data points.  The file that Apache is using 
contains 260 points and then only a fraction of those are marked on the map 
(based on project parameter).

If you start getting into lines (roads) or polygons, you begin needing to tile 
your bounding box and ensuring that you're only sending data points within that 
box.  postgis is able to index this data so that the calculations don't become 
a performance issue.  

Two additional considerations..

What information are you sending to Google in order for them to make a pretty 
map for you?
The file you're sending to Google (AFAIK) has to be publicly available.  What 
information are you allowing to be available for the world?

Jacques Le Roux <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Though, maybe a better example would 
be ;o)

Note that to have these icons on the map we give our lat. long.


From: "Jacques Le Roux" 
> Hi Chris,
> It was a long time :o), thanks for comments
> I need them to use with Google Map. To do something like 
> you can see there map.setCenter(new GLatLng(37.4419, -122.1419), 13);
> Hopefully I will be able to do something general enough to be reusable 
> (should not be too hard, the tough part is already done by
> Google)
> Jacques
> From: "Chris Howe" 
>>I wasn't going to comment on this because I don't think I have the time 
>>available to see the discussion through to the end, but
>>after reading David's "Data Model Changes Post", I'll toss my two cents about 
>> What are you wanting to ultimately do with Lat/Long?  From my experience 
>> with GeoServer earlier this year, storing Lat/Long 
>> values
>> is rather inconvenient when doing computations and placing points (and 
>> polygons) on Maps.  It was much more convenient to store
>> these points in the manner prescribed by postgis and using the methods that 
>> are provided in those kinds of packages.  Also, as 
>> far
>> as data modeling, it's somewhat innacurate (although depending on your 
>> application, possibly within acceptable bounds) to refer 
>> to
>> an address as a point that has the specificity you'd be assigning.
>> Jacques Le Roux  wrote: Hi,
>> I will need to add Latitude and Longitude fields in PostalAdress. Could this 
>> be a change commited ?
>> I will also need to add a type PHONE_HOTLINE in ContactMechPurposeType.
>> Else, of course I will use
>> Thanks
>> Jacques

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