been giving this some thought
1) how about using geo or new entity connected to Geo, since we have a
one relationship in PostalAddress.
2)Each degree is 111.111 km when going north-south, so 0.001 degrees
would be 111 m and 0.0001 is 11 m, so the entity should have enough
accuracy to make sure it does not slop over to the next address.
Offsets east-west must be multiplied by cos(latitude), which is 0.5 in
Oslo, and a little larger  in France?
the entity should have degrees, min, sec hudredes, thousand, 10 thousand
3) need to have a field as to where the the longitude was gotten so
comparison against other sources or validation can be done.

Jacques Le Roux sent the following on 6/26/2008 3:44 PM:
> Hi,
> I will need to add Latitude and Longitude fields in PostalAdress. Could
> this be a change commited ?
> I will also need to add a type PHONE_HOTLINE in ContactMechPurposeType.
> Else, of course I will use <extend-entity>
> Thanks
> Jacques

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