So, I'd suggest to ignore that flag for now; IMO the best way to distinguish vat taxes from sales taxes is thru the is thru the TaxAuthorityRateType: we should add a new entry there for "VAT taxes"


I do not know. In TaxAuthorittyRateType TaxAuthGeoId is for DESTINATION
(as I understand - becouse tax sales depends on destination addres)
But we need to know what type of taxman is for our(SOURCE) company. In case our company is VAT taxman we should to behave little differently than if our taxman is SALES TAX.
Maybe it is just enought to add fromTaxAuthGeoId (replacing productStoreId-
it is not good in VAT to use productStoreId for purchase invoices as it can be
general invoice where there is no store - eg invoice for fixed asset)


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