Is there global exemption for cutomer ?

In Poland we have sometimes exemption per product per person type (e.g. accomodation costs for persons are tax free) But we handle this usually as separate product. (we have product accomodation 0% and accomodation 22%)
Maybe we can do this more gently. Any ideas ?

I have consulted with accountant yesterday. In fact algorithm is some more complicated.

There is need for spedition documents for EU to have vat 0% so it can be sometimes thet there will be not vat0% or it will be not vat 0% at the beginning and later it will be corrected to 0% as documents will arrive. Same can be with World salles.
To make things more complicated VAT report will have to be corrected too.
In current software this is done usually manually.

----- Original Message ----- From: "Roland" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, July 03, 2008 4:12 PM
Subject: Re: VAT - tax authority

Hi all,

see inline...

On Thursday 03 July 2008 15:37, Marek Mosiewicz wrote:
if seller is VAT aware seller
        if byuer is from my country take vat% from product category
        if buyer is from EU and is valid VAT company
                    take vat%=0
        if buyer is from EU and is not valid VAT company
                 take vat% from product category ????
yes for germany
        if buyer is form World and is company
                    take vat%=0
        if buyer is from World and is person
                    take vat%=0
both wrong for germany: take product category vat%
(there may be exemptions to that, depending on Customs Auth. maybe we get this
more configurable somehow)

[from Jacques email yesterday:]
> The product store flag you mention is not mandatory for VAT taxes: I
> mean that using a VAT tax doesn't mean that you want to show your
> product's prices with VAT included (this is only true for some
> retailers).

Yes, but it's true that in some countries (like France) if you sell to
public (B2C vs B2B) you must show your prices with VAT included (actually
with all taxes included). So in some cases it's a must have...

I'll think: make the product store flag what it sounds like: 'show products
with vat in that ecommerce store' not more, not less (even, don't remove it,
it's needed if you run 2 sites, one B2B one B2C)


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