Hi all,

see inline...

On Thursday 03 July 2008 15:37, Marek Mosiewicz wrote:
> Algorithm:
> if seller is VAT aware seller
>         if byuer is from my country take vat% from product category
>         if buyer is from EU and is valid VAT company
>                     take vat%=0
>         if buyer is from EU and is not valid VAT company
>                  take vat% from product category ????
yes for germany
>         if buyer is form World and is company
>                     take vat%=0
>         if buyer is from World and is person
>                     take vat%=0
both wrong for germany: take product category vat%
(there may be exemptions to that, depending on Customs Auth. maybe we get this 
more configurable somehow)

[from Jacques email yesterday:]
> > The product store flag you mention is not mandatory for VAT taxes: I
> >  mean that using a VAT tax doesn't mean that you want to show your
> >  product's prices with VAT included (this is only true for some
> >  retailers).
> Yes, but it's true that in some countries (like France) if you sell to
> public (B2C vs B2B) you must show your prices with VAT included (actually
> with all taxes included). So in some cases it's a must have...

I'll think: make the product store flag what it sounds like: 'show products 
with vat in that ecommerce store' not more, not less (even, don't remove it, 
it's needed if you run 2 sites, one B2B one B2C)


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