I have send "call" for requirements for user group too.
I will upgrade VAT page with questions we know

Marek Mosiewicz

----- Original Message ----- From: "Jacopo Cappellato" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <dev@ofbiz.apache.org>
Sent: Thursday, July 03, 2008 12:27 PM
Subject: Re: VAT - tax authority

This is an interesting thread.
I'd suggest, before we start to discuss how to change the data model, to go one step back and properly define all the requirements relevant for VAT tax calculation. I am sure others will be interested in adding their comments. As soon as we have defined a list of requirements, we can go on with data model changes.

Here is an example for some requirements:

* the application of a VAT tax rate may depend on the billing address, but also on the type of product and on the from and to parties (add details here...) * periodically (usually on a monthly bases) the company have to provide a VAT Tax report: for each Tax Authority, the total VAT tax collected and VAT Tax paid by the company is shown (the difference between collected and paid is what is due to the tax authority; if the difference is negative, the amount will be usually used in the next VAT Tax report * some countries may require that, prices for B2C sales are shown VAT included (from Jacques Le Roux)
* etc... etc...

What do you think?


PS: useful resources:



On Jul 3, 2008, at 10:33 AM, Marek Mosiewicz wrote:

So, I'd suggest to ignore that flag for now; IMO the best way to distinguish vat taxes from sales taxes is thru the is thru the TaxAuthorityRateType: we should add a new entry there for "VAT taxes"


I do not know. In TaxAuthorittyRateType TaxAuthGeoId is for  DESTINATION
(as I understand - becouse tax sales depends on destination addres)
But we need to know what type of taxman is for our(SOURCE) company. In case our company is VAT taxman we should to behave little differently than if our taxman is SALES TAX. Maybe it is just enought to add fromTaxAuthGeoId (replacing productStoreId- it is not good in VAT to use productStoreId for purchase invoices as it can be
general invoice where there is no store - eg invoice for fixed asset)


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