From: "David E Jones" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

On Aug 5, 2008, at 4:08 PM, Jacques Le Roux wrote:

From: "David E Jones" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

On Aug 5, 2008, at 2:37 PM, Jacques Le Roux wrote:

From: "David E Jones" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
It might be better to have an independent ID for the    TerrestrialPosition 
(like terrestrialPositionId) and have things
to it rather than having it point to other things. In other   words we  would 
add a terrestrialPositionId to the ContactMech
instead of putting a contactMechId on TerrestrialPosition. In  that  way 
anything  could point to it.

Yes and this is even simpler. I followed the PartyContactMech   pattern because 
I thought it was a best practise. But obviously
like  that the scope will be wider.

This is something we should maybe discuss more, ie whether the   
TerrestrialPosition should be a type of ContactMech or it's own
independent thing. I was thinking the independence might be  better,  and we 
would have more control over what it is attached
In other  words, the use patterns and relationships to other  entities are a  
little different than what is done with

Still, if anyone thinks otherwise... please share.

Actually what I said above is not true. The scope will not be wider.  You can 
get the same using the ContactMech pattern. It's
only a bit  harder since you have to create a specific entity (like  
FacilityLocationContactMech) and make the association
between the 2  other entities each time you want to relate a new entity (like 
say  FacilityLocation). In the second case only one
association to  TerrestrialPosition would be needed. So it's up to you guys,  
sometimes breaking the rules is good, sometimes
it's not, we have to  really think about it ... before...

What do you mean by "break the rules"? I don't see any rules being  broken 

Yes actually, I was just thinking about the EntityNameContactMech pattern, not 
a rule indeed.
And because I wondered why we'd use this pattern in most other cases and not 
for GPS Geolocation, I just reviewed how Len Silverston
suggests to deal with contact informations.
At this stage I must admit that things were not much more clear. As far as I 
read Len speaks only about PartyContactMech and
FacilityContactMech, but it's easy to extrapolate more usages as it's done in 

Now, please let me think loud. What is the difference between a postal address 
and a GPS point ? Is there more differences between
them than between, say a telecom number and a postal address ?
Obviously telecom numbers and a postal addresses have something in common that 
a GPS point does not share: they are mechanismes to
contact somebody (or something at large). A GPS point is only a mean to locate 
somebody (or something at large), you can't contact a
GPS point. So yes, it makes sense to differntiate a GPS point from other 
contact mech. A GPS point is not a contact mech as Len
Silverstion defines one. It's a mean to locate not to contact. So now I better 
understant why you wanted things to point to it
rather than having it point to other things. I still wonder though if we should 
not think a bit more about it. Putting a
terrestrialPositionId  in ContactMech does not make sense, as it's not a mean 
to contact but locate. Should we not introduce
something else. Like a LocateMech, which could be maybe used for other stuff in 
future ?

Let me dream now (you are allowed to no read that :o) : I live in the country 
(not so far from town, but country). And where I live
there is no numbers to the road. So it's hard to find me (I did not make it 
purposely ;o). Sometimes it's cool, sometimes it's very
annoying. Like when you receive a CD from Amazon the 1st time (and even after : 
deliverymen change). Sometimes it's even worse : the
French postal service, "La Poste", will change its status soon and will become 
a private company (yes things are changing, even in
France). The bad side (there is always one in all things) is that they speak to 
not delilver anymore addresses without numbers. You
see ? If we were using geolocation (with a comment for more) in place of 
addresses I will not have this problems. We are still using
old tools whereas we have already what is needed to do more.

As with anything you design to requirements, and try to make things  flexible 
but many-to-many relationships are not inherently
better in  any way than many-to-one relationships, they are just different and  
better for use in different situations.

Yes I agree, I did not have thought enough about that. What do you think about 
the LocateMech idea ? Apart its name, would it be
really useful in future or shall we stay with ContactMech only?

One thing to note after this : an address may be used to contact but also only 
to locate (like for delivery). Same with a cell
phone, when the police investigates... So maybe a ContacMech is enough, in 
OFBiz at least...

Sorry for the long post, but you asked for thinking, I tried and finally find 
your 1st solution simple and clear :
1. add lat/long fields to ContactMech
2. create a new ContactMechType for geo-spatial coordinates like this,
like "TerrestrialPosition" or something
3. add a new entity for TerrestrialPosition that is independent of the
ContactMech and Geo entities, and then related to with other entities$

BTW, what do yout think about my answer to BJ about different geolocation sources (yahoo, google, etc.) : a primary key field geoPositionSourceEnumId using a relation to Enumeration in TerrestrialPosition entity?
And his proposition of 2 fields for GPS elevation (one that has the value and 
one the enumerates elevationUomId)

Other ideas ?

PS : a simpler solution in my case (delivery issue) is to choice myself a 
number, maybe 7777777 : can't be confused, easy to
remember.... but not to write, mmmm... 777 could do it ! Deregulation... is 
that freedom ? GPS/Galileo is that future ? Will future
be freedom ?


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