geoPositionSourceEnumId sounds good.
making it a part of the PK is interesting, had not thought of that.
I guess to fields for GPS elevation, then
one that has the value and one the enumerates elevationUomId , like you
say. you looking at 0.0 meters to 7K meters

Jacques Le Roux sent the following on 8/5/2008 2:36 PM:
> From: "BJ Freeman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> I like the idea of the TerrestrialPosition entity.
>> Maybe have field for the source of the lon/lat.
>> like google, yahoo, USPS as enumerated types.
>> I say this because i find a difference in the lon/lat for each source.
>> and there may be a need to have a different TerrestrialPosition  for
>> each one to make that particular system work correctly. Maybe a parent
>> child relationship, to save pointing other entities.
> This is a bit frightening but unfortunately not really surprising. I did
> not check, so I rely upon you on this.
> I don't think we need more than a field geoPositionSourceEnumId using a
> relation to Enumeration with a table for this information except if
> someone has a better idea/information.
> So each source variations will be available, geoPositionSourceEnumId
> being part of the primary key (with TerrestrialPositionId).
>> As a side note: just for future would like a elevation field.
>> this is for GPS.
> OK, I will add which unit would you prefer ? Maybe better using an
> elevationUomId referring to a LENGTH_MEASURE ?
> Thanks
> Jacques
>> David E Jones sent the following on 8/5/2008 8:41 AM:
>>> It might be better to have an independent ID for the TerrestrialPosition
>>> (like terrestrialPositionId) and have things point to it rather than
>>> having it point to other things. In other words we would add a
>>> terrestrialPositionId to the ContactMech instead of putting a
>>> contactMechId on TerrestrialPosition. In that way anything could point
>>> to it.
>>> Also, considering the discussions from before maybe we should add a text
>>> field for Well Known Text that can be used as an alternative to (or
>>> perhaps supplement to) the simple lat/lon.
>>> -David
>>> On Aug 4, 2008, at 3:51 PM, Jacques Le Roux wrote:
>>>> I resurrect this thread to let you know that I'm ready to work on this
>>>> I'd like to create, as we agreed but please confirm,
>>>> . a new entity TerrestrialPosition with at least these fields for now
>>>>    . contactMechId
>>>>  . latitude (using new type degree being NUMERIC(18,6))
>>>>  . longitude (using new type degree being NUMERIC(18,6))
>>>>  . comment using type comment
>>>> . add of a new ContactMechType : TerrestrialPosition
>>>> The same mechanism used to relate PostalAddress to a Party, a Facilty,
>>>> an Invoice, an Order or an OrderItem (so far) will be used to relate a
>>>> TerrestrialPosition (through PartyContactMech, FaciltyContactMech,
>>>> etc. )
>>>> If needed we can put more decimals in degree, but RolandH pointed out
>>>> that 6 decimals is enough for 4.37184 inch or 11.1044736 centimeters
>>>> !!!
>>>> If nobody disagree I will go for that (as soon as Adam will have fixed
>>>> OFBiz ;o)
>>>> Jacques
>>>> From: "Jacques Le Roux" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>>>> From: "David E Jones" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>>>>> I think I see where you're coming from Chris, and I'm for standards
>>>>>> and existing toolsets. I think what we're talking about here
>>>>>> is much  more simple.
>>>>>> Eventually we'll (hopefully!) get to the point where we want to
>>>>>> define  polygon boundaries for Geo records and that sort of thing,
>>>>>> and doing  so with Well Known Text (or even GML) might be a great
>>>>>> way to go and  would simplify the data model a lot.
>>>>>> From this sounds like a
>>>>>> good idea to me.
>>>>>> For now all we're looking for is a point location for an address,
>>>>>> and  possibly other things too. Actually, I kind of like the
>>>>>> idea of having  another ContactMechType for a terrestrial position,
>>>>>> and maybe add some  sort of positionContactMechId to the
>>>>>> PostalAddress entity to point to  it for an address.
>>>>> I undestand and agree with Chris's argument, but it's true that I
>>>>> don't need such sophistication for the moment.
>>>>> Using the extensibility pattern sounds a 1st raisonnable approach to
>>>>> me. Obviously better than introducing lat+long in PostalAddress and
>>>>> let future open ...
>>>>> Jacques
>>>>>> In any case, we want to keep this simple because chances are we
>>>>>> will  not use it with a GIS package, unless perhaps to pass the
>>>>>> coordinates  to something to determine if it is within a boundary or
>>>>>> something.  More likely we'll use really simple square or
>>>>>> circle boundaries and  such which are a lot easier to search within
>>>>>> using any database using  numerical coordinates, and those are
>>>>>> easy since we're just talking  about point coordinates.
>>>>>> Of course, if someone wants to get into real GIS stuff and enhance
>>>>>> the  Geo and other entities in OFBiz for that... by all means
>>>>>> please go for  it!
>>>>>> -David
>>>>>> On Jul 2, 2008, at 4:42 PM, Chris Howe wrote:
>>>>>>> David,
>>>>>>> I stand corrected on the significant digits used in TIGER. It
>>>>>>> seems  there is a slight difference in unit specificity in the
>>>>>>> projection  that I assumed versus what TIGER provides
>>>>>>> 4269 degree Unit = 0.01745329251994328
>>>>>>> Tiger degree Unit = 0.017453292519943295
>>>>>>> This threw off the retrieval calculation of the coordinates and
>>>>>>> didn't result in round numbers at the 6th decimal place and thus
>>>>>>> was  calculated to the maximum significant digits of the library
>>>>>>> (15  digits).
>>>>>>> In regards to what I'm suggesting: I am simply suggesting that we
>>>>>>> use the standards that have existed for over a decade for the
>>>>>>> storage of geometrical data, namely Well-Known-Text or Well-Known-
>>>>>>> Binary.  The reason I am suggesting this is because you've
>>>>>>> already  submitted a desire to perform calculations that have been
>>>>>>> optimized  under libraries that use WTK/WTB.  The other reason
>>>>>>> that I am  suggesting this is that latitude and longitude is not
>>>>>>> the only  coordinate system that would benefit from using the
>>>>>>> standard.  For  instance, if someone has an RFID grid in their
>>>>>>> warehouse, they could  benefit from the same conventions being
>>>>>>> used.
>>>>>>> In regards to "What about the other databases?":  I can't imagine
>>>>>>> the other databases with spatial extensions would require
>>>>>>> approaches  that were much different to benefit from GIS.  PostGIS
>>>>>>> happens to be  an implementation of the OGC standards, so
>>>>>>> databases that have an  implementation of that standard would
>>>>>>> benefit from code written to  that standard.
>>>>>>> The GeoTools Module Matrix plugins should give you an idea if
>>>>>>> you're  concerned about connecting to other databases.
>>>>>>> David E Jones <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>>>>> Here is what I found in a quick search:
>>>>>>> "Coordinates in the TIGER/LineĀ® files are in decimal degrees and
>>>>>>> have
>>>>>>> six
>>>>>>> implied decimal places. The positional accuracy of these coordinates
>>>>>>> is not
>>>>>>> as great as the six decimal places suggest."
>>>>>>> That is from near the bottom of page 6 of this document:
>>>>>>> Or are you referring to a different TIGER?
>>>>>>> BTW Chris, I'm having a lot of trouble understanding your posts. I
>>>>>>> don't know if others are running into the same thing, but much of
>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>> time I'm not sure quite what you're getting at or what you
>>>>>>> propose as
>>>>>>> many of these seem to be little snippets of thought instead of
>>>>>>> entire
>>>>>>> thoughts... could explain a little more of what you have in mind?
>>>>>>> Also: I looked at the postgis stuff you added, and... what's the
>>>>>>> point? If it only works with postgres how is that useful for OFBiz?
>>>>>>> -David
>>>>>>> On Jul 2, 2008, at 4:31 AM, Chris Howe wrote:
>>>>>>>> In addition, TIGER road data is to 15 significant digits as is US
>>>>>>>> data for county political boundaries.
>>>>>>>> Chris Howe  wrote: Roland  wrote: Hi David,
>>>>>>>> as I wasn't really sure about what to answer to your question, i
>>>>>>>> looked a bit
>>>>>>>> around:
>>>>>>>> if their data is correct: 0.000001 degrees are 4.37184 inch or
>>>>>>>> 11.1044736
>>>>>>>> centimeters
>>>>>>>> that ought to be enough for everyone ;-)
>>>>>>>> seriously: I think for applications like mapping out addresses that
>>>>>>>> should be enough for years, but there may be other use cases i
>>>>>>>> can't
>>>>>>>> imagine right now.
>>>>>>>> --Roland
>>>>>>>> 640K ought to be enough for anybody.   This reminds me of another
>>>>>>>> benefit to WTK/WTB.  WTK and WTB are not dependent on the
>>>>>>>> coordinate
>>>>>>>> system you are using.  Whether your coordinate system is the
>>>>>>>> latitudinal and longitudinal circles of the earth or whether they
>>>>>>>> are the coordinate system of your RFID enabled warehosue, WTK and
>>>>>>>> WTB handles them the same.  Same data format, same use of
>>>>>>>> projections, same reliability in application you build.  Why record
>>>>>>>> the same type of information in 15 different formats based on their
>>>>>>>> use?

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