On Mar 16, 2009, at 3:03 AM, Bilgin Ibryam wrote:

I haven't implemented this in the screen widget or in the menu or tree widgets yet either. Actually, after implementing it for the sub-hyperlink element in the form widget I couldn't find any places where a request that calls a service was actually used, so it appears to not be needed there (that I can find yet). In other words, all of those links are for going to different places and not for submitting data to update in the database. Unless we run across other places that do this I'll probably table those for now.


How to deal with menu item links invoking services?
These are few in invoice menu, used for setting the invoice statuses, and also in MyPortalMenus.xml - RemoveCommunicationEventRole, updateCommunicationEvent.

I have added to this in rev 755022. Please see my comments there.

On a side note: that particular menu bar is called a "Tab" bar, but really isn't since the links go to other places and do not stay within the tab set, and show a different pages causing the "tab" to highlight, etc.

Anyway, a bit more progress... now lots of help is needed to get this used throughout, and then we can turn on the more strict security to better protect things.


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