What I have in mind with UEL is different. The plan is to be able to write a permissions expression that can replace many lines of mini-language code.

Btw, I decided to use UEL functions instead of extending the syntax.


Andrew Zeneski wrote:
Not really, I just implemented what we were talking about offline, its called findMatchingPermissions(). So, now you can check "(read|update|delete):party:10000" and it will return you a map containing :

read:party:10000 = (true|false)
update:party:10000 = (true|false)
delete:party:10000 = (true|false)

This will only work for the base permissions (access, create, read, update, delete) but it should be helpful.

On Apr 30, 2009, at 2:15 PM, Adrian Crum wrote:

I'm even hesitant about making this permission extension. I would rather see the security component handle permission expressions, but that would require a lot of coding.

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