I'm trying to come up with a use case where this sort of logic would be applicable, but I just cannot think of any. I can think of cases where we will conditionally want to check a single permission but OR/ AND permissions together for a UI element?

When displaying a list of items, I might add a link to an update form, in which I would only show the link if update permission available. Same with delete, but I wouldn't check these in the same place, rather with each link.

Also, I might use <display/> for read only users instead of text boxes (I really like Jacopo's use-when idea). But when would I really ever want to check them in an AND/OR fashion?

Keeping in mind now, that the permission system handles granularity, as long as we are intelligent when defining permissions I believe a single permissions should be able to handle most cases. With the exception of UIs where we would want to display different things based on a different base permission, even then a single call using the new findMatchingPermissions() would totally do the trick.


On Apr 30, 2009, at 7:43 PM, Adrian Crum wrote:

I like that idea. Less chance that an unintended conversion would occur.


Scott Gray wrote:
FYI and I only realized this the other day but beanshell supports exactly this type of feature where you can specify things @and, @or and etc. for use in xml files http://www.beanshell.org/manual/syntax.html#Document_Friendly_Entities I wonder if we do this it might be worth following the same convention.
HotWax Media
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On 1/05/2009, at 5:34 AM, Jacopo Cappellato wrote:

this is really interesting.
However I think it is time to start thinking to define our own xml friendly keywords for && and || operators; I would like to express that statement with something like this:

<set field="hasPermission" value="$ {(hasPermission['update:context1'] OR hasPermission['update:context2']) AND hasPermission['update:context3']}" type="Boolean"/>


On Apr 30, 2009, at 7:20 PM, Adrian Crum wrote:

<set field="hasPermission" value="$ {(hasPermission['update:context1'] || hasPermission['update:context2']) &amp;&amp; hasPermission['update:context3']}" type="Boolean"/>

or something like that. I'm still working out the details.


Andrew Zeneski wrote:
That sounds cool. I'm not sure what that would really look like, but nevertheless sounds really cool! :) If you need anything from me let me know...
On Apr 30, 2009, at 1:00 PM, Adrian Crum wrote:
Andrew Zeneski wrote:
I'd be happy to discuss additional changes as well (which aren't yet documented) like adding support to check multiple permissions at once, returning a Map of results from that permission check. So, if you or anyone else has a wish list for security, let me know so I can get it all incorporated at the same time.

Btw, I'm working on adding an extension to the UEL that will allow permission expressions.


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