Some of these questions in the discussions so far give me the feeling that the write up Andrew put in confluence hasn't been read, is that the case?

Anyway I'm a +1 for the new auth framework, I think it give us more power AND simplicity. Will it need improvement over time? of course it will but I think it's a much better base to work from.


On 2/05/2009, at 9:45 AM, Adrian Crum wrote:

--- On Fri, 5/1/09, Andrew Zeneski <> wrote:
What changed is that now the permission logic is NOT tied
directly to the service itself. The logic is tied to the
permission. So ANY call to authz.hasPermission() the EXACT
same code runs that checks the permission. That is the
single point of contact, the hasPermission() method.

The checks in the screen definition runs the same code as
the checks in service definition. So now one advantage is,
the update or delete button which is displayed in the UI if
the user has permission will display (even if they do not
have the static permission associated with their account) if
the user can edit that specific item. It won't display
for other items which the user cannot modify.

I must be missing something. Still using the Example component as an example: the service definition called a service permission, which called a script, which ultimately called Security.hasPermission. Your modification has the service definition use the <required- permissions> which ultimately calls authz.hasPermission(). So, both methods end up calling a single hasPermission() method. What changed?

The only difference I see is that the permission string moved from a script to the service definition. Is that the desired benefit?

I think it's an improvement, you can directly see what permissions are required on the service without having to find a service def and then it's method. The newer permissions are more intelligent so you don't need to write a service for every variation in auth requirements.

3. Avoid having to check multiple permissions, for
a new
permission format which embeds all permissions
which will be

I don't see that being done explicitly in our
current code. The OFBizSecurity class does that
automatically. Any permission check is done with the ADMIN
permission first, then the requested permission.

Okay, so that was a bad example. How about CATALOG_UPDATE
or CATALOG_ROLE_UPDATE instead as an example. Instead a
simple permission defined as update:catalog:${catalogId}
would take care of both of these. If the user has the static
'update:catalog' permission it would be granted
(like a catalog admin might have), otherwise it would run
the DA logic to determine if the user has permission to
update that specific catalog.

The idea of specifying some kind of parameter in the permission is interesting. The question is, (speaking as a user) What does that parameter do?

It runs dynamic access script defined on the SecurityPermission record

4. Define permission for users, not admins.
Instead of
looking for a static permission, set the
permission to be
checked at the most granular level. When doing so,
users will always have permission and the API will
user access using DA logic.

I disagree. I might want my application to behave
differently if an admin is using it. Without an admin
permission (or attribute), how will I know if a user is in
an admin role?

Then we will create an 'admin' base permission. I
didn't see the need for it, b/c I can't think of
anything in which I would say "don't show this to
people who can access/create/read/update/delete; only show
it to an admin". I have nothing against this, just
couldn't think of any really useful cases. Do you have
something specific in mind?

Maybe that could be expressed as :component:admin.

I would rather hear an example of what this would be used for before figuring out how to add it.

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