--- On Fri, 5/1/09, Anil Patel <anil.pa...@hotwaxmedia.com> wrote:
> This is one of the big reasons what I love and hate
> community driven software. I don't see how what Andrew
> did is bad. Even though it was personal communication but I
> know Andrew only started after Adrian and Jacques showed
> interest by commenting on the page.

The only interest I showed was that I agreed that OFBiz security could use 
improvement, and I suggested he use a third party library. I did not endorse or 
approve of his design.

> Andrew has been actively explaining his idea all this time.

As I demonstrated in another reply, no he did not. Only a few days went by 
between introducing the idea and committing code.

> The work done till date is not blocking anybody, old
> security system is still in place. New system is implemented
> in example component so its lot easy for him to explain and
> people to understand.

What if the new work is a bad design? How will we know that until everyone has 
had time to evaluate it?

> People have different ways of working in community, Joe is
> committer still all the time he creates Jira issue and
> uploads his patch and most of time its somebody else who
> does commits, but that's his way of working. If we
> don't do what Joe does then why should Andrew do what
> Adrian does.

As far as I know, Joe submits patches for things he doesn't have commit rights 

> I don't see any reason why we should start over.

Do you see a reason why we shouldn't? Will the project suffer immensely if we 
pause and wait for others to comment? Is there some catastrophe looming that 
requires us to rush this through?

> All
> the time we talk about making things easy so people will
> contribute, Why do you want to resist a seasoned contributer
> for working. I'll rather have expect community will
> support. All the time he has been asking people to tell him
> suggestions, wish list etc. Why not support him and get more
> out of him instead.

If we can't invite the community to participate - as I suggested - then that 
only proves what I suspect - that this is a design that is being foisted on the 



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