On Oct 22, 2009, at 3:15 PM, Adam Heath wrote:

Tim Ruppert wrote:
First of all, company based attacks will not be tolerated my friend -
please stop it, it makes you look bad and continues to erode faith.
This is me coming after you for your carelessness, has nothing to do
with my company, so feel free to remember that before you slop this up
here.  But if you'd like to talk about contributions and what _we've_
been doing, here you go.

Huh?  What?  Come again?  Whatcha talking about Willis?

Hans did *NOTHING* wrong with his email.  Absolutely *NOTHING*.  I
suggest you take your head of out your ass, and stop being a bitch.

ps: If you think my response is inappropriate, it's just as
inappropriate as yours was to Hans, with no basis at all.

While I agree with you here Adam, and while I don't think you're response is inappropriate, I do think it would be good to tone it down a bit. No one should be using ad-hominem attacks, not even to other ad- hominem attacks.

The thing that bothered me the most about Tim's message was using the false logic of the ad-hominem argument. It's an approach that tends to stop discussion and also breaks down community relationships. It's offensive and in an intelligent group like this that isn't so easily fooled or influenced it tends to weaken the arguments and position of the person using it. So, on that account... your response is accurate, if not entirely precise... ;)

Anyway, thanks for responding. I too hope that we can keep things friendly, or at least respectful, as there is a lot going on right now in the project, and it's also a time where a lot of us are under additional stress due to opportunities disappearing faster than obligations.


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