On Oct 27, 2009, at 5:35 AM, Pierre Smits wrote:

But when I submit patches to improve OfBIZ for the greater good of OfBiz I
expect something to be done with them in a timely fashion.

Why do you expect that?

High expectations are the seeds of disappointment and the fruit of misunderstanding.

If not handled
that way I could easily refrain from helping and go about my way....

That would be tragic... but it's your choice and certainly you are free to do as you will since this is a purely voluntary community (ie no force involved).

If there are constraints regarding time available from people involved in handling submitted patches I would suggest get more involvement on that

And how should we go about doing that? Unfortunately my wand is broken so I can't cast my "immediate high quality and highly experienced new committer" spell.

On Oct 27, 2009, at 7:02 AM, Pierre Smits wrote:

As with regards to me supplying patches and reading your reply I got the impressions that when I want an improvement committed in the SFA module I can wait and see whether it will be accepted by someone (from your reply I would say that you seem to be assigned as the last line of defense on SFA improvement, so you are the only one), or otherwise I can pay your company
to have it commited promptly (which implies that more members of your
company can commit also, but are either not allowed by you or are busy

I don't mind anybody making money of open source projects (I do so myself and I contribute back), but trying to coerce contributors to pay so that
improvements do get in reeks like something ugly.

Last time I checked OfBIZ was still an Apache project, whereby the
organisational setup is a meritocracy and not a product of your
organisation. If time available is the constraint, then getting more people
involved on commit level is not a bad idea.

Don't be silly. Yes, you might be able to expedite things with money, but there are lots of committers. For details see:


There are currently 20 people with commit access. All you have to do is convince one of the 20 to commit your patch.

Maybe what Hans meant is that you seem to be so used to getting things done by paying people to do things that you're having a hard time with the things that drive a voluntary community: merit and respect (often manifested as cooperation).


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