Hi Hans,

I understand where you're coming from and I will make an effort to be more conscience of these points when writing reviews. One thing to keep in mind though is that in some cases you may be mistaking brevity with harshness, with the number of commits coming in these days reviews can take up a fair bit of time and getting through them before continuing with regular work can be challenging at best.

This same point applies even more to suggesting solutions, generally it takes a lot more time to find a solution than it does to identify a problem. While I'm sure any reviewer would suggest possible solutions if it is quick and easy for them to do so, there should never be any expectation on them to do so just because they identified the issue. I would suggest that if a problem is significant and a solution cannot be easily found then the commit should be reverted and the changes placed in a jira issue for further discussion as people have time/ interest to do so. I sometimes worry that the community is too dependent on the trunk as a development base and this creates a sense of urgency to commit code that otherwise would not be considered urgent or hasn't had time to evolve into a robust solution. It is also easier for a committer to refine and refactor new features over time in their own local branch without having to worry about deprecation and migration issues.


On 9/12/2009, at 11:14 PM, Hans Bakker wrote:

Hi Scott,

Thank you for you lengthly reply. I agree we should do this better in
the future, I will do my best to improve. Please continue your reviews
which are certainly good for the project.

A suggestion I have for everybody who is reviewing the commits and
contributions and wants to make some suggestions for improvement please
realize that almost always lot of time is invested to create it. Also
some courage is required to face the direct and harsh complaints that
sometimes are written. This can often be a lot nicer.

When a commit or contribution is reviewed, do not start complaining
straight away there is a stupid mistake, but first give a general
opinion about the commit itself if it is a good idea and if it is
valuable. Nice words in the beginning will make the contributor listen
better to the following comments you have.

If a reviewer complains about certain aspects of the commit or
contribution also provide hints how it can be resolved.

Remember action is reaction, a harsh and direct review will almost
always get the same reaction of the contributor or it will be fully


P.S. Yes i also do not always act as i suggest above but I am working at

On Wed, 2009-12-09 at 00:01 +1300, Scott Gray wrote:
On 8/12/2009, at 10:16 PM, Hans Bakker wrote:

Hi Scott,

If that was offending to you i apologize for that. I was under the
impression that the Eclipse license was allowed and you, you stated it yourself, brought up license issues without being a license expert and
gave me the burden to solve it also being far from a license expert.

A quick review from my perspective:
- You were provided with a link to the ASF's licensing explanation
page way back on the 11th Nov, that link provided a clear explanation
of how the EPL should be treated. You did not attempt to clarify with
the community the implications of the ASF guidelines.
- Sometime around the 20th you again asked if it was okay to commit
birt to the trunk and were again reminded of the licensing issues, I
reviewed the code in full from a licensing point of view and pointed
out the specific problems.  You did not respond.
- At the start of this month you again asked if it was okay to commit
birt to the trunk and basically said that the licensing problems were
not problems at all, even though you had made no attempt to clarify
the licensing situation with the community.
- A few days later you asked for my help in finding a way for the birt
project to modify their license so that we could use their source
code.  I explained that I had no idea how to do that and recommended
you contact the ASF legal mailing, at which point you seemed to get
annoyed at me for my apparent unwillingness to help.

I think much of this could have been avoided if you had made a greater
effort to interact with the community during the earlier reviews and
to understand the issues that were raised.  As you mentioned below,
all seems to be solved now and I am not trying to attack you by
pointing these things out, I'm only pushing this issue because I would
prefer it if things went more smoothly in the future.

For every new function I introduce there is a lot of opposition always
by the same people which sometimes gives me the feeling that simply
reasons are found to block my contributions.

I want to make it quite clear to you and to everybody else that my
opinions and comments are my own and no one else's.  No one has ever
attempted to influence the way I interact with the community and I can
assure you that such an attempt would fail.  I review OFBiz commits
because I care about the project and for the most part I do it on my
own time.  Your contributions are as welcome to me as anyone else's,
but just as with anyone else I will respond if I see problems or if
they fail to follow best practices and I welcome this same treatment
from the community to my own work (not because I think my work is
infallible, I'm quite sure people could find problems with my commits
and identifying those problems would help me improve my work).  My
reviews are not an attempt to attack your contributions and I do not
sit here waiting for you to commit something so that I can pick it

Perhaps the main problem
here is that i put business reasons much higher than technical reasons
and most people here are technical.

IMO it is impossible to effectively solve business problems without
respecting the technical foundation of those solutions, attempting to
do so will result in a leaning tower.  Anyway, differing opinions
should be treated as an opportunity to find a better solution and not
as a recipe for disaster.

All seems now be solved,  and i appreciate you technical view and
comments on the system.

And I do, honestly, appreciate you and your team's contributions.

Concerning my comment about relationships, had nothing to do with you,
just by the way way people in general treat each other here in the
mailing list, which is much different here in Thailand and has its
disadvantages too. Probably nothing is perfect in this world.

Understood, thank you for clarifying and I apologize for my rash



On Tue, 2009-12-08 at 21:46 +1300, Scott Gray wrote:
On 8/12/2009, at 4:34 PM, Hans Bakker wrote:

Thank you Scott for the statement.

For the record, all work on the Birt branch was done by Chattree, a
colleague of mine here at Antwebsystems. I just helped him a bit
the tough western (mailinglist) mentality is not really compatible
the Asian culture where relationships are the most important value.

If you're implying that I've treated our relationship with less value than was appropriate then I take offense to that. I'd like to remind you that I spent some of my spare time reviewing your work instead of working on things that I am interested in and you proceeded to ignore
my review even though you requested it.  When you finally did
acknowledge my comments you treated them as some sort of unfair
that I was placing on you.  I found your actions to be rude, very
annoying and hardly indicative of your desire to have a good working
relationship.  So for you to sit here and attempt to take the high
ground when you have been the agitator during these discussions is a
little bit rich for my liking.



On Tue, 2009-12-08 at 08:25 +1300, Scott Gray wrote:
Hi Ruppert

Hans ended up removing the code which was of concern so the issues
that I suggested he discuss with legal are no longer present.


On 8/12/2009, at 4:49 AM, Tim Ruppert wrote:

Did all of this go to legal like was requested?  If not, then
it's a
-1 to commit this to the trunk.

Tim Ruppert
HotWax Media


On Dec 7, 2009, at 7:03 AM, Hans Bakker wrote:

Hi Scott,

had some time to look at it this weekend?

if not more objections i plan to commit the birt branch to the
this week. Thank you for your time spend on this subject.


On Fri, 2009-12-04 at 01:18 +1300, Scott Gray wrote:
Did you look at the New Revision: 886087 where we solved your

Briefly and I liked the approach, I'll take another pass over
whole thing on the weekend.

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