On 8/12/2009, at 4:34 PM, Hans Bakker wrote:

Thank you Scott for the statement.

For the record, all work on the Birt branch was done by Chattree, a
colleague of mine here at Antwebsystems. I just helped him a bit because the tough western (mailinglist) mentality is not really compatible with
the Asian culture where relationships are the most important value.

If you're implying that I've treated our relationship with less value than was appropriate then I take offense to that. I'd like to remind you that I spent some of my spare time reviewing your work instead of working on things that I am interested in and you proceeded to ignore my review even though you requested it. When you finally did acknowledge my comments you treated them as some sort of unfair burden that I was placing on you. I found your actions to be rude, very annoying and hardly indicative of your desire to have a good working relationship. So for you to sit here and attempt to take the high ground when you have been the agitator during these discussions is a little bit rich for my liking.



On Tue, 2009-12-08 at 08:25 +1300, Scott Gray wrote:
Hi Ruppert

Hans ended up removing the code which was of concern so the issues
that I suggested he discuss with legal are no longer present.


On 8/12/2009, at 4:49 AM, Tim Ruppert wrote:

Did all of this go to legal like was requested?  If not, then it's a
-1 to commit this to the trunk.

Tim Ruppert
HotWax Media


On Dec 7, 2009, at 7:03 AM, Hans Bakker wrote:

Hi Scott,

had some time to look at it this weekend?

if not more objections i plan to commit the birt branch to the trunk
this week. Thank you for your time spend on this subject.


On Fri, 2009-12-04 at 01:18 +1300, Scott Gray wrote:
Did you look at the New Revision: 886087 where we solved your last

Briefly and I liked the approach, I'll take another pass over the
whole thing on the weekend.

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