Le 17/12/2009 22:46, Bruno Busco a écrit :
Having OFBiz splitted in a core framework and add-on modules seems to
me like a must if we want to improve features.
Add-on modules is how many large and popular projects are built.
Even OpenERP says to have more that 350 modules and offers different
flavours of it here http://www.openerp.com/discover/demonstration.html

I think we should start discussing on the module add-on system that we
want to implement in OFBiz.
I have read that there is a plan from Neogia people to introduce what
they have developed. Is there any schedule for this?
Are you going to write a Confluence page where we can see how it works?

Hi all,

What we have in Neogia for the addons is still under tests but available for everyone.

Addons are a set of modifications to the OFBiz code (add/merge files) which are grouped for a functional or technical purpose. For example, an addon will allow to use a different process for receiving inventory.

The addon system is composed of two things : the core component, a jar file which can be used from the command line to create/(un)install/modify addons, and a GUI which uses this core and which is accessible from the OFBiz interface.

Addons are managing dependencies and versions, via the Ivy project.

The core component (addon-manager) source code is here :

The admGui can be downloaded from here :
Just download the tar file, and untar it in your hot-deploy folder.

For the Gui, help files are in the data/helpdata folder, running a run-install will make them visible in the help system.

To install an addon, there are two ways : from your local drive or from the addon repository. For the first, you have to give the exact path to the addon, for the second, you just have to give the addon name, so it will go on http://addons.neogia.org/addons to download it.

Source code for the addons is here :

You will find that for each addon, there are a help file (to define the goal) and tests.

More information here (in English), but maybe a bit outdated :

I hope that this will explain a bit more what is the addon system the Neogia team put in place. All comments are welcome !


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