Sorry Michael,

So you idea is to propose to use mahsups instead of standard portlets (already 2 std actually, even 3 with JSR enhancements), that's it?

FYO: there has been already a proposition on Mashup


From: "Michael Xu (xudong)" <>
Maybe we can take a look at mashup, which is not that heavy as portlets.
Michael Xu (xudong) | Office: (8610) 6267 0615 ext 806 | Mobile: (86) 135 0135
9807 | Fax: (8610) 62670096

On Fri, Jan 1, 2010 at 2:37 AM, Jacques Le Roux <> wrote:

Actually we would just have to change the name at the surface, from a
marketing POV if you prefer. No need to change underneath.
But sincerely I have not much time for that... Where is it used in
documentation which could induce new users in error?


From: "Ruth Hoffman" <>

Hi Jacques:
IMO, it is a big deal. When someone is looking at OFBiz for an enterprise
solution and the competition is Jetspeed, Liferay, Websphere etc., we should
be clear  that when the OFBiz project says "Portal" it does not mean what
everyone else "thinks it means". It is misleading.

Just to be clear: I don't think OFBiz needs a JSR compliant portal server.
In my experience, portal servers are bloated and overrated and have limited

Maybe we could take a little survey - do some marketing - and come up with
another label for these features/functions?

Just a thought.

Jacques Le Roux wrote:

From: "David E Jones" <>

Bring confusion in the future? That's like saying you shouldn't use the
term object-relational mapping unless you're talking about JPA.

Just like object-relational mapping is a general term with many
variations and implementations, and supporting the JPA interfaces is simply
a feature of some of those implementations, portal and portlet are also
general terms with many variations and implementations, and only some of
them support the JSR 168 specification.

Should we then say that portal/portlet software not written in Java
should not use those terms?

If so, which terms should those unfortunate souls use to describe their

OFBiz-portlets and OFBiz-portal ? Not a big deal anyway, just that some
people think they will be able to embed some external portlets in OFBiz and
are dissapointed.



On Dec 31, 2009, at 8:48 AM, Jacques Le Roux wrote:

 I agree with Ruth, this will (and has already) certainly bring some
confusion in future.


From: "Ruth Hoffman" <>

Hi David:
IMO the term "portlet" should only be applied to JSR 168/268 compliant


David E Jones wrote:

MyPortal still needs a lot of work.

It should really be just the shell of the portal and include only a
very few portlets that are part of the framework.

Higher level components, including applications components, can have
their own portlets that appear in MyPortal by having data in seed/etc data
files, and that data will tell MyPortal about these portlets.

OOTB the MyPortal stuff shouldn't know anything about any portlets
(other than a few basic framework ones). At runtime MyPortal will look for
information about other portlets, but that information should come only from
the higher level components where the portlets themselves live.


On Dec 31, 2009, at 4:50 AM, Bruno Busco wrote:

 That's true, it would be still a dependence.

Anyway, in this case the MyPortal is considered to be dependent from
all other components (because it "mounts" portlets defined by all
other components in the default portalPages).
It should be possible to use the MyPortal component even if one of
other components is not used.

I think a different logic is needed here.


2009/12/31 David E Jones <>:

 That still represents a dependency on the other component.

Lower level components should not even have anything that
represents an awareness of a higher level component.

The solution, and the only solution, is to move the data to the
higher level components. It's that simple.


On Dec 30, 2009, at 5:54 PM, Bruno Busco wrote:

the MyPortal component has many seed data that create a dependence
from many other components.
This is done because the seed data create the default MyPortal
portalPages that include several portlets from all other

For example:
 <PortalPagePortlet portalPageId="MYPORTAL_EMPLOYEE"
portalPortletId="SystemInfoNotes" portletSeqId="00001"
columnSeqId="00001" sequenceNum="0"/>
 <PortalPagePortlet portalPageId="MYPORTAL_EMPLOYEE"
portalPortletId="SystemInfoStatus" portletSeqId="00001"
columnSeqId="00001" sequenceNum="1"/>
 <PortalPagePortlet portalPageId="MYPORTAL_EMPLOYEE"
portalPortletId="Calendar" portletSeqId="00001"
 <PortalPagePortlet portalPageId="MYPORTAL_EMPLOYEE0"
portalPortletId="INCOM_CUST_REQUESTS" portletSeqId="00001"
columnSeqId="00001" sequenceNum="0"/>
 <PortalPagePortlet portalPageId="MYPORTAL_EMPLOYEE0"
portalPortletId="MyCommunications" portletSeqId="00001"
columnSeqId="00001" sequenceNum="1"/>
 <PortalPagePortlet portalPageId="MYPORTAL_EMPLOYEE1"
portalPortletId="party" portletSeqId="00001" columnSeqId="00001"
 <PortalPagePortlet portalPageId="MYPORTAL_EMPLOYEE1"
portalPortletId="partyRelContacts" portletSeqId="00001"
columnSeqId="00001" sequenceNum="1"/>
 <PortalPagePortlet portalPageId="MYPORTAL_EMPLOYEE1"
portalPortletId="partyRelAccounts" portletSeqId="00001"
columnSeqId="00001" sequenceNum="2"/>
 <PortalPagePortlet portalPageId="MYPORTAL_EMPLOYEE1"
portalPortletId="contact" portletSeqId="00001" columnSeqId="00001"
 <PortalPagePortlet portalPageId="MYPORTAL_EMPLOYEE1"
portalPortletId="LoyaltyPoints" portletSeqId="00001"
columnSeqId="00001" sequenceNum="4"/>
 <PortalPagePortlet portalPageId="MYPORTAL_EMPLOYEE1"
portalPortletId="PaymentMethods" portletSeqId="00001"
columnSeqId="00001" sequenceNum="5"/>
 <PortalPagePortlet portalPageId="MYPORTAL_EMPLOYEE1"
portalPortletId="AvsSettings" portletSeqId="00001"
 <PortalPagePortlet portalPageId="MYPORTAL_EMPLOYEE1"
portalPortletId="UserLogin" portletSeqId="00001"
 <PortalPagePortlet portalPageId="MYPORTAL_EMPLOYEE1"
portalPortletId="Attributes" portletSeqId="00001"
 <PortalPagePortlet portalPageId="MYPORTAL_EMPLOYEE1"
portalPortletId="Visits" portletSeqId="00001" columnSeqId="00002"
 <PortalPagePortlet portalPageId="MYPORTAL_EMPLOYEE1"
portalPortletId="Content" portletSeqId="00001" columnSeqId="00002"
 <PortalPagePortlet portalPageId="MYPORTAL_EMPLOYEE1"
portalPortletId="ShipperAccount" portletSeqId="00001"
columnSeqId="00002" sequenceNum="5"/>
 <PortalPagePortlet portalPageId="MYPORTAL_EMPLOYEE1"
portalPortletId="Notes" portletSeqId="00001" columnSeqId="00002"
 <PortalPagePortlet portalPageId="MYPORTAL_EMPLOYEE1"
portalPortletId="MYTASKSPARTY" portletSeqId="00001"
columnSeqId="00002" sequenceNum="7"/>
 <PortalPagePortlet portalPageId="MYPORTAL_EMPLOYEE2"
portalPortletId="MyCommunications" portletSeqId="00001"
columnSeqId="00001" sequenceNum="0"/>
 <PortletAttribute portalPageId="MYPORTAL_EMPLOYEE2"
portalPortletId="MyCommunications" portletSeqId="00001"
attrName="communicationPartyId" attrValue="Company"/>
 <PortalPagePortlet portalPageId="MYPORTAL_EMPLOYEE4"
portalPortletId="mytimesheet" portletSeqId="00001"
 <PortalPagePortlet portalPageId="MYPORTAL_EMPLOYEE5"
portalPortletId="mytasks" portletSeqId="00001" columnSeqId="00001"

How can we have a conditional seed data loading that would load
seed data for the portlets really available in the system?
I mean, could we have something like this:

<if-component-loaded name="Workeffort">
 <PortalPagePortlet portalPageId="MYPORTAL_EMPLOYEE4"
portalPortletId="mytimesheet" portletSeqId="00001"
 <PortalPagePortlet portalPageId="MYPORTAL_EMPLOYEE5"
portalPortletId="mytasks" portletSeqId="00001" columnSeqId="00001"

or is there any other tecnique to do this?

Many thanks,

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