Those of us with strong Unix backgounds really don't want to see anything named 
"core" - so I'd say let's look for some other name.  What you're pushing for 
Bruno - is much needed and could be a great enhancement to the usage of OFBiz.  
Anything that'll make it easier for people to build - non-eCommerce related 
applications without having to disable anything is a huge win in my book.

Tim Ruppert
HotWax Media


On Jan 2, 2010, at 1:42 PM, Bruno Busco wrote:

>> One major question is whether framework, on its own, should even be
>> runnable as an application. In my opinion, it is a library, not an app
>> and doesn't need to be operational on its own.
> The more we discuss about this the more I get convinced that what we
> (or at least me) intend for framework-only distribution should be
> better named "OFBiz-core".
> The OFBiz-core could consist of framework + party + content + commonext.
> A distribution with these components set up is somewhat similar to
> what I mean for a framework where developer can start building its
> office automation application without the necessity to disable
> anything but having all the power of the framework and the "core"
> applications.
> -Bruno

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